"Honey?" asked Robert. "What do you think about getting out? Let's go to a club!"

"Go to a club? Robert, we're not twenty anymore!"

"Pfft, I don't care! There is a cool place for old people like us." he smirked. "C'mon, let's have some fun. I really need to cool down."

"Okay, fine!" she huffed, understanding that Robert needed to get out after his argument with Evelyn. "Let's go or it will be to late!" Robert shook his head. "What's wrong now?" Susan said angrily. He looked up and down, checking her out.

"Not like that. You always look great, honey, but you can't wear that when we go out." She looked down an noticed that she still was in his sweat pants and a jumper.

"Right." Susan laughed. "Give me one hour to get ready." He pulled her closer and nuzzled her neck. Susan breathed in his intoxicating scent. Spicy and something else that was just so Robert.

"Hurry up." he whispered and smacked her butt, sending her upstairs with a naughty giggle. He loved it when his wife was wearing his stuff. Robert made his way down the floor and knocked on Evelyn's door.

"Yes." He entered and noticed Evelyn lying on the bed again. She looked pale and her eyes were red and swollen. She had been crying.

"How do you feel? How's your headache?"

"Much better, thanks." Robert nodded awkwardly.

"Great. Uhm...Susan and I are going out for the night, is that okay?"

"Yeah sure."

"Is it okay to leave you alone or should we call someone?"

"It's fine but can I call Serena and Elias? Can they come over?" She showed him her best puppy dog eyes.

"Sure, no problem."

"Thank you!"

"Anytime. Well, have a great night. I think we'll be back around 11am."

"But the sun..." Evelyn reminded him.

"Don't worry, we Vampires have our ways." He winked and wanted to leave her room but she stopped him.

"Rob?" she asked and he turned around?


"I'll do it." Robert stopped and looked at her.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I don't want to die." He nodded and smiled.

"That's a very good decision, I don't want you to die either. I'm sorry I said all those things." Evelyn nodded.

"I'm sorry, too. When will you do it?"

"Whenever you like. Just come to us when you feel ready but remember that we don't have a lot of time left." Evelyn nodded again.

"Thank you, for everything." She said quietly.

"Always." He smiled at her one last time and closed the door. Robert walked into the bedroom, saw Susan standing in front of the huge mirror and his jaw dropped.

"Holy fuck." he murmured and Susan smirked.

"You like it?" She wore a short black and gold dress, which ended just after her ass and showed a lot of cleavage, with black high-heels and gold accessories. Her lips were dark red, making Robert think about all the dirty things they could do. He stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You look fucking amazing! And your tits, woman!" His hand wandered up her waist to her breasts, where he cupped both of them and pushed them up. "They've grown."

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