More Hardship

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Once I finished getting ready, I went to the place that I was meeting Natasha. I waited at the place for about five minutes until she showed up. She came in and sat down.

"What do you want to talk about," I asked.

"Would you like to hear my side of the story," she said.

"No, not really. But since you're here, I'm guessing you're going to tell me no matter what."

"Do you know why I hate you so much," she asked.


" are Miss. Perfect at school. You get good grades, all the teachers like you, guys always flirt with you. It gets annoying. Especially when people tell you that your second. I already have to deal with that at home. I don't need to go through it again at school. Did you even know Nathan and I use to date?"

"You hate me for something that I never physically done to you. And no I didn't. Is this why you're also mad at me, because I dated Nathan."

"Pretty much. We had a great relationship going on until you showed up. I know we were friends before, then you started taking over my spot as the smart student. I hated you for that and that's why we stopped being friends. Nathan broke up with me just to get close to you."

"Look you can't blame me for any of this. I never did anything to hurt you. No one told me that you and Nathan dated before. From what I'm hearing, is that you are jealous of me. I'm not trying to sound arrogant but seriously, all I'm hearing is that you've been jealous of me. And you take Nathan back. I don't want anything to do with him."

"Now why would I want him back, when he's still obsessed with you?"

"I don't know. I mean you guys got drunk, kissed, and did other things."

"You're right, but that whole time, he kept saying your name."

"And how is this my fault?"

"Because every single boy wants to be with you. Don't you hear it around school. Boys calls dibs for you," she said loudly.

"Well tell them I'm taken," I said knowing I shouldn't have said that.


"Yeah. Tell them I'm taken."

She was shocked that she didn't reply anymore.

"If we are done here that would be great. If you still hate me, go ahead. I just don't want to see you or Nathan again. Let's just keep things the way they were before, when we botb hated each other."

I got up from my seat and left ten dollars on the table.

"Thanks for clearing things up with me. I'll pay for today, just make sure you pay me back."

Weeks Later

Wonho's POV

While Min-Seo has been at college, I was still staying with with her parents. I had been applying for jobs but never heard back. While at home, her parents asked me for help out in the front porch. While we were working out in the yard, a car pulled up. Min-Seo and her friends came out and walked towards us. We went back inside for refreshments. As I sat down, Amanda had rushed to sit next to me. To get away from her, I went into the kitchen to help Mrs.Kim with drinks. I helped her bring the drinks out and sat next to Min-Seo, across from Amanda. Every time I looked up, I always saw Amanda staring at me.

"Excuse me," I said, then I walked to my room.

I stayed in my room for a couple minutes until I was ready to go back out. I wasn't ready at all though. Just looking at Amanda gave me the creeps. When I went back out, she was outside my door. I almost screamed but held it in. She tried moving in closer but I slid past her before she could do anything. I walked back to the living room and sat between Min-Seo and her dad. Amanda came back into the room and wouldn't keep her eyes off me.

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