Time to Leave

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I woke up early and started to pack my bags. While packing I got a text from Min-Seo.

Min-Seo: I'm getting discharged today. I told my parents about us leaving too. [Recieved]
Me: Good. What did your parents say? [Sent]
Min-Seo: Not too happy but they said as long as I'm safe it's okay. [Recieved]
Me: Tell them that I am very sorry. [Sent]
Min-Seo: Okay. Where are we going anyways. [Recieved]
Me: I'll tell you when I pick you up. [Sent]

After sending the text, I grabbed an apple and drove to work. When I got to work, I called Tae Hyung and Jung Hyun to meet me in my office. They came in less then ten minutes and sat down in front of my desk.

"I'm leaving today. You guys can go back to work as normal. Thank you for helping out for the past couple of days. I'll come back every other two weeks maybe," I said to them.

"Neh. Where are you going," Jung Hyun asked.

"Japan," I answered.

I released them back to work and continued my work. I rented out an private jet for me and Min-Seo after I finished. I finished my work and headed to the hospital. I was about to enter her room when she come out. I gave her a hug and held her bag. She drove back with her parents, and I followed them back to their house. Min-Seo went into her room to pack her things. I sat in the living room waiting. Her mom came up to me and handed me a bag.

"This is food for your trip."

"Kam sa ham nida," I said bowing to her.

I got up from the couch as Min-Seo came down. She gave her parents a hug then came towards me.

"Mianhae for making her leave again. I promise to keep her safe," I said before leaving.

"We know you will keep her safe Wonho. Make sure to take care of yourself too," her dad said.

I nodded my head then opened the door for Min-Seo. We got into the car and waved to her parents as we left their driveway. Before our plane was going to take off, I drove to Seo-Young's house. She was waiting outside the porch when we arrived at her place. I got out of the car and walked over to Seo-Young.

"Womho are you sure you want to go," she asked me as I approached her.

"Noona, this is the only way I can protect Min-Seo without omma and appa knowing. They have people watching her," I said.

"Fine. Call me if you ever need anything. Here are the keys to the house. Be safe Wonho."

She handed me the keys and gave me a hug. She let go of me after a while and I walked back to the car. I drove to where the private jet was waiting. We got into the jet and was ready for take off.

Min-Seo's POV

I got out of the car and into the jet. I took my seat and looked out the window. I wasn't really happy hiding but I guess I had no choice, unless I wanted to get hurt more. Wonho came in after me and sat next to me. I didn't pay any attention to him and checked my phone every second. Just then the pilot told us we were leaving. One of the flight attendant came to us, and showed us everything that we might need during the ride. After she left, I grabbed the blanket near me and tried to fall asleep.

Before I could fall asleep, Wonho touched my arms. I pretended to fall asleep to let him know I didn't want to talk. He removed his hands and I went to sleep. I woke up to Wonho's voice saying we had arrived. He grabbed my bag and we got off the jet.

"Kam sa ham nida," we both said to the pilot as we got out.

Wonho led me to the car that was waiting for us. We got into the car and Wonho drove to the apartment. As I was settled down in the car, I grabbed my phone out of my purse to text my mom.

Me: Omma, we made it to Japan. [Sent]
Mom: Okay. Be safe Min-Seo. [Recieved]
Me: I will. I miss you guys already. [Sent]
Mom: We miss you too. [Recieved]

I put my phone away and went back to sleep. Before I did, Wonho placed a bag in my lap. I looked through it but didn't have an appetite to eat. When we arrived at our place, I grabbed my things and waited for Wonho to open the door. Once he opened it, I placed the bag on the counter, walked into the room I picked, and closed the door behind me. I put my clothes into the draws and grabbed my pajamas. I went out to take a shower and saw him entering his room. We looked at each other for a quick second, until I turned my back towards him.

As I finished, I put my clothes on and went out. Wonho came out of his room as well. Again we had the long awkward stare but I left him alone in the hallway. I just wasn't in the mood to talk to him. He knocked on my door a couple of times, but I wouldn't answer him. Eventually it was nighttime and I went to sleep once again.

I really don't know how long I will continue to ignore him.

Wonho's POV

"Stop it now," I screamed at him.

"Why should I Hoseok. Maybe this will give me a better reason why I should be in jail," my dad said holding a gun to Min-Seo's head.

"Leave her alone. I'm the one that you should be pointing the gun at, not her."

"No I think this will teach you a lesson not to mess with me..son. You are the one that started this. I'm just here to finish it all up for you. Besides if you shoot me, I'll shoot her before I die. I'll use every last bit of my breath to pull the trigger right to her head."

"What am I going to do. Every move I make, something horrible will happen. What am I going to do," I said to myslef.

"Clocks ticking," my dad said.

I pulled out my gun and had it towards my dad. All of a sudden my mom came out and stood in front of gun. Then all of a sudden she pulled out a gun. She turned towards Min-Seo and shot her.



I began to gasp for air and was shaky. I looked around me and went to Min-Seo's room. I barged in and she wasn't there. I check the bathroom but she wasn't there either. I check every room in the house and there was no sign of her. I tried calling her, but she wouldn't pick up. I could feel my heartbeat racing and was ready to pop out of my chest. I ran to the front door and ran around the place. Eventually I found her, on her phone. I ran over to her and grabbed her shoulders.

"Where were you!"

"I've been here the whole time," she answered.

"Why didn't you answer my call? Why didn't you tell me you where going to be here? Do you know how worried I was?"

"Wonho, I'm fine."

"Is that all your going to say, is that your fine. Clearly your not! I know you are proably pissed at me. But not telling me where you are especially at this moment is not right! I was worried sick and was about to die if I couldn't find you."

"Wonho calm down."

"CALM DOWN! I'm trying to keep us alive from my parents. But if you don't think this is right, I will schedule a plane for you to leave!"

"Fine do it! I don't even want to be here with you," she yelled.

I ran back to the apartment and grabbed a key and my wallet. I went for a walk to cool down. I need time to think.

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