Types of Friends

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Hey guys! Mika here! Previously, Lu wrote a mini story from an experience in grade 7. Well, I decided to write this. Why this!? Because nothing really exciting or story worthy happened during that time in my life.

Here are some types of friends based on people in my friend circle. I'm about to tell you 10 types of friends you need... Or might want to avoid.

The "Clingy" Friend
Yeah... These kinds of people can be a bit annoying. Always wanting to do everything you do, when you do it, how you do it, and all that jazz. They will not let anyone hangout with you. You officially belong to them, and they will not let anyone tell you otherwise. This type of friend is the type that could quite possibly drive you crazy!

The "Chilled" Friend
This kind of friend is quite cool to have. They're just... Chilled. Nothing bothers them. Although, they can become quite stubborn... But at other times, they're down for anything. If you want to play basketball, they will. If you want to play Mario Bros., they will. But, if you want them to share something (like food for example) they may become a bit territorial. Chilled friends usually make the best travel buddies!

The "I'm The Popular" Friend
Roll your eyes all you like, but you know we all have a friend like this! They think the world is about them. They need to be up with the latest trends. They need to be the center of attention. And if you are in the spotlight... These kind of friends usually try to steal your thunder. They always try to impress the world (especially their Novas) and they will keep whipping their hair until everyone notices.

The "Quiet" Friend
Not trying to sound mean or anything... But we all have that one friend that is so quiet, you sometimes don't even notice they're at school that day. They are humble, self-conscious people, who like to keep their thoughts to themselves. Quiet friends are usually the nicest friends to have around. Once you earn their trust, they can become some of the best people to be around.

The "Copycat" Friend
No explanation needed. These kind of friends are so annoying! They copy your trends... And try to make them better. These kind of friends steal your catchphrases, steal your styles, copy your ways, and they become worse than a "Clingy" friend! But deep, deep down... The copycats really look up to you. I mean, why else would they copy... Well, you? Why else would they want to impress someone with... Your style? Why else would they want to say what you say... Unless they actually think of you as their inspiration?

The "Sporty" Friend
Energy! A perfect word to describe this kind of friend. They are fighters! They are competitive! And they are hella athletic! Nothing can beat the energy of a sporty friend (except for a weird friend... We'll get there later). Sporty friends are the best to have in P.E, and are the best to be in a team with. They can go a bit crazy in a muck around competition, but they do have a desire of winning... That's for sure. They don't want to be beat. They will always win... Even if you just have to say they win only because you want them to shut up!

The "Awkward" Fried
Awkward... Just. Everything is, awkward. Most of the time, these kind of friends have to "people skills". They panic a bit when other people talk to them... They tend to chicken out a bit... And they may be very antisocial. But awkward friends are the best when you get to know them! They are funny people to be around. And to an awkward person, they feel they can be as open as they want when surrounded by people they know and trust and feel comfortable around!

The "Weird" Friend
We all have one. It's as if they are crazy! They are just plain, stupid! Sometimes they talk to themselves (like, full on conversations), they do things weirdly, you can never understand how they think, but they are pretty cool when they are open towards you! Weird friends are just a ball of fun waiting to be unleashed. Once you're with them... There is no leaving. The weirdness may sometimes take effect on you!

The "Jokester" Friend
No... Not the Batman Jokester.... Joker... Whatever his name is... I mean the one that is just naturally funny! The one that has a billion jokes up their sleeve, and they never leave you bored! They are so funny, that they tend to become the "I'm so Popular's" mortal enemy. The Jokester friend is as if they have a battery that never dies! They are full of fun and adventure and creativity! They are the best kind of friend to have at a sleep over!!... Although... They might never get to sleep!

The "Can I Borrow That?" Friend
"Can I borrow that?" Pretty much all they say. And when you lend them something... It never comes back. These kind of friends are always so unorganized! They forget a lot and are literally a walking human Dory. They ask for a lot... And most of the time.... They forget who they asked, what they asked for and why they needed something from you in the first place. They ask you for things so regularly that they just have to look at you... And you know what they need.

So that is my list of types of friends. Not all of them are based on my friends circle... But I'm pretty sure they are all relatable. Also, don't go pointing figures at anyone... I mean, there is a bit of every kind within us!

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