Hey It's Lu!

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I'm sorry! I haven't introduced myself!

Hello! I am Lu. Nice to meet you.

Now, I don't know where to start. Hmmmm. Well, to start off I am very socially awkward. VERY AWKWARD. Awkward's mah middle name. No I'm serious, I'm super awkward once you meet me. Especially around... e-e-especially around...
Don't judge! I'm still not used to them yet! Ok, that sounds weird but I have my reasons.

1. I never really grew up with boys.
I don't have little brothers, just one little sister. My cousins - most of them are girls my age. The boys, well they're around 18 - 20. Wouldn't it be AWKWARD seeing a high school girl around cousins older than her? The little ones are around 3 - 9. See? Still awkward. They are adorable little rascals too :3

2. I never really talk to them.
Yes, I did go to school with boys and I still do. I hardly talked to them when I was younger. It was a rare occasion. But now that I'm here in high school I'm starting to talk to them more often as I'm gaining my confidence.

3. I'm also a very shy person
Sometimes being a shy person isn't so bad. But other times it's not. My parents say that I'm a quiet person and I get it from my dad. When I'm with a friend, I'm not so quiet anymore. My shyness is what keeps me from talking to new people and going out there to meet more people. I guess my shyness affected both girls and boys because I never really talked to them if I didn't know them very well. I just sat in the corner, like a loner, waiting to go home or waiting for someone to come talk to me. But if I saw someone I knew I would talk and hang out with them.

One chat with me and awkwardness will strike. First, there is that small pause in between the conversation. Then the "looking around the room to make it less awkward" move. Then the pause turns to complete silence...
Still waiting for a conversation to slide in.
Lu: "Soooooooo... Umm.. What do we do n- Do you like churros?"
Person: "Uh, yea."
       Bye! *Power Walks Away*

That's probably how my conversations go with boys...

Well, that's enough of my awkwardness. That's only one little tiny detail about me! There are still more things to learn about me and Mika. More chapters of ourselves will be coming soon.

~ Lu

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