"Hurry up, Luke." Michael called from downstairs.

Luke took a final look in the mirror before realizing he needed to put his bracelets and sunglasses on. He puts the sunglasses on top of his head before rushing downstairs.

"Took you long enough," Michael mumbled as he got the car keys from the counter. "Now come on."

"Is he here?" Luke asked.

"No, I've been assigned the task of driving you and keeping the location a surprise. Now let's get in the car."

They walked outside and into the car.

"Put this on," Michael said as he pulled out a red bandana from his pocket.

"In my hair?"

"No, around your eyes." Michael chuckled. "You're not aloud to see where we're going."

Luke sighed and out on the bandana, "How do I know you're not taking me to a forest to kill me?"

Michael laughed, "Why the hell would I do that?"

"Because you're Michael," Luke answered simply.

They both laughed before Michael said, "No, I'm not taking you to a forest to rape you and kill you."

"Who said anything about rape?" Luke said.

"Can I not have fun before you die? I want our last moments to be pleasurable."

Luke laughed before changing the subject, "Please tell me where we're going. I hate surprises."

"Oh but you'll love this one."

The drive is a little over fifteen minutes. Since Luke can't see he he just fiddles with his rubber bracelets that lay on his wrist.

Luke can feel the road change from smooth pavement to gravel.

"And we're here. Stay right there and I'll come get you."

Luke did as told and stayed put while Michael got out of the car. He opened up Luke's door and grabbed Luke's hand to help him out of the car.

Luke held his hand out to make sure he wouldn't run into anything.

When Ashton saw Luke his face lit up.

"Hey, babe." Ashton pecked Luke on the cheek and reached for his hand, "I can take it from here, Michael."

Michael nodded and walked back to the car with Calum, who had been helping Ashton set everything up.

"Are you ready?"

Luke nodded, "I think so..."

Ashton slowly untied the blindfold, revealing one of the most beautiful sights Luke has ever seen in his life. There were several glowing Mason Jars strung from tree branches, sending off a bright and orange light. Underneath the tree was a small blanket with a picnic basket and cups organized onto it. There was a lake only a few steps away.

"Did you do all of this?" Luke smiled and turned around to look at Ashton.

"With some help from Calum and Michael," Ashton chuckled.

Luke looked up into the dark sky in amazement, there were so many stars in the sky; it was absolutely magnificent.

"Do you like it?" Ashton asked as he guided Luke to the picnic blanket.

"I love it," Luke said as he sat down on the blanket.

Ashton began pulling out two plates, two sandwiches, and a bag of potato chips. "I figured since you don't like eating heavy foods, I just packed some ham and cheese sandwiches and we could share the chips."

Damaged Goods ~ A 5sos Lashton storyWhere stories live. Discover now