"You're capturing me will be the start of your downfall Tomura." You threatened, grabbing his arm, and shoving his hand to his stomach, as he looked at you with an unamused face.

"He then lifted his shirt to show armor disintegrating slowly. "You think I didn't think that through you twerp? Well, I must admit, no one else has actually tried to do that before." He then took a step back, and began to walk away. "Don't think of escaping, you prove to be more useful each day I see you." And with that, he walked out the door.


They were gone for several days, while you slid down the wall, and began humming a song you knew. You know if you tried to escape right now, they would bring Katsuki back, and when you escaped, you weren't leaving Katsuki. Even if they didn't bring him back, you needed to make sure. Everyday they brought you one meal, which was usually something bland, like peas, or something like that.

You actually had stopped eating it, due to the fact it made you want to throw up. It felt like they were poisoning you with food slowly. What a terrible way to go. Dying because of doing something you loved, eating food.

"There's no good times, This impossible year, Just a beachfront of bad blood, And a coast that's unclear." You sang, your voice ringing through the empty room. "All the guests at the party, They're so insincere, They just intrude and exclude, This impossible year. There's no you and me, This impossible year, Only heartache and heartbreak, And gin made of tears. The bitter pill is swallowed, The scars souvenir. That tattoo, your last bruise, This impossible yearrrrrr." You sang swaying back and forth to the song playing in your head. (If you don't know it, it is impossible year by P!ATD, go listen to it)

You heard the door open to the room, as you continued to hum the tune, your eyes shut, imagining an orchestra playing the instrumental in your head. The song reminded you of what was going on since the beginning of the year. You never would've thought you would befriend Katsuki, or that you would find the man that killed your parents, and then be held captive by him, while they attempted to capture Katsuki.

You heard them getting rop or something out, as someone's feet dragged across the ground. You refused to open your eyes, because you already knew who it was. You didn't want for him to see you, but you needed to keep yourself calm for now, before you were hurt so badly you actually couldn't move. You then heard someone mumbling something. It sounded like, him...

You leaned your head to the ceiling, as you opened your eyes, biting your lip, as you looked in front of you, to see a knocked out Katsuki binded to a chair, a huge box like thing around his hands. Your body started to move by itself. Your sat up, as you went on a knee closest to him, you're both of your hands moving to his face, your right hand only to because a huge clang from the chain hitting the chair, and your right hand dropped to your side. Your left hand gingerly touched his cheek, rubbing circles with your thumb.

"They didn't hurt you." You muttered, smiling slightly. You looked him over, only to find he was covered in dirt, and a few scratches. You took your left hand, as you used your air quirk to blow of the dirt and cool the scratches. He moved in his sleep, as you continued to blow the dirt off of his arms.

He then shivered, as you flinched back, falling into the wall, and slumping down it, pushing your hair out of your face, as you rubbed your eyes, looking at him again. You were immediately met with red eyes, which seemed to want to kill you. He had a scowl on his face, and explosions were going off in his hand, as he stared at you hostilely.

You stared back up at him, knees brought up to your chest, as you crossed your arms over them, and used youself as a head rest. His eyes then seemed to bulge, looking at who you were. "Y-Y/N!" You screamed at you, as you waved your hand, frowning. "WHAT THE HELL! WHY THE HELL DID YOU KEEP IN AN A DARK ROOM FOR AT LEAST LIKE 3 DAYS, THEN BRING ME HERE!" He said, trying to break out of the restraints. "LET ME GO Y/N!" He yelled at you, as you laughed slightly, showing him your right wrist, which still had the chain on it.

I'm Just Your Problem//Katsuki Bakugou X Reader (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now