Zelda's Salty (and so is Link)

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Zelda was selfish as ever. No word Link said would make Zelda talk. She wouldn't even help set up camp. "Zelda you know this would be a lot easier if you helped!" Link yelled.

Zelda sat as if implying she can't. "You have two legs and two feet, do it yourself." Link was shocked. Zelda hadn't said a thing for the past hour except her comment of how Link acted like a toddler. "Hello?" Zelda said smugly.

"Um... Well so do you!" Link replied awkwardly.

"Correct but I'm royalty you're just simply a peasant..."

Link wanted to rip her head but quickly kept himself from doing so knowing it wouldn't solve anything. Instead he replied. "A peasant that saved your life!"

"Who cares about you maybe next time I could do it myself! Tell me how do you do it?"

"Well first do you know how to pick a lock?"


"You're dead meat..."

"Gee thanks for the advice..."

Link went back to work and then a long sigh was heard from Zelda. Link brought out the rope he snuck and started tying his creation together. It was a sad little tent that could easily be knocked over.

"It that the best you can do. It looks like someone trampled a tree." Zelda complained.

"O.K then you can sleep on that rock, and if it rains you can stand there and be a lot more wet than under hear. Besides it's for you I'm keeping watch." Link said to the angry Zelda.

Link stood there and realized how bored this escape was going to be. The silence gave Link a chance to think, Emily broke her promise and now everythings gone dark. What was she thinking! Where was she? Did she already go and was killed? Oh my gosh is she DEAD!

"Link I know what you're thinking... She's never coming back." Link turned around to see Zelda with an evil sneer kind of look and then smiled. "Sorry that was strange I know. So it's getting late start to do your thing I trust you." The sudden mood change seemed incredibly random. "I know Emily will come back and I promise you she's gonna be just the same..."

Zelda was freiking Link out, one minute she's evil next she's inspiring. "Hey Zelda, are you ok?"


Link turned around and went a little ways heading back to the castle. He could slightly hear Zelda talking to someone but chose to ignore it. Instead his mind drifted back to Emily. His biggest concern  wasn't if she was dead, it was if she was in a relationship.

She left with obvious sign of having a crush on Link and it rubbed off on him. Now he couldn't stop thinking about her. It's not possible she probably couldn't stop thinking about him. Link thought... 


(QotC "Link wanted to rip her head but quickly kept himself from doing so knowing it wouldn't solve anything." I just love how it's implied that he very well would've ripped her head off in a similar situation. 

Also these guys really need to stop thinking about me. O-O It's kind of creepy.)

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