The Plot Twist is Real!!! (Also they're still salty.)

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Link woke up to Zelda shoving him. "You're sleeping on the job! I never should've trusted you..."

"Hmm. I thought I would be the one to wake you up..." Link said attempting to sheild his eyes from the light.

"Link I found a route to a camp last night when I was out adventuring! They'er like the resistence! Come on!" 

Link sat up and looked around. This is definately a trick. "Zelda why would the resistence camp so close to Hyrule Castle?"

"Don't know, but let's go!"

Right then Link realized something, Zelda's Triforce hand was shining on the Triforce of Power. Nobody had the Triforce of Power, it was taken from Ganondorf. Din ended up using it to make Link evil, but if Zelda had the Triforce of Wisdom it couldn't corrupt her... Maybe it was Din! Link's eyes went wide. 

"What's wrong?" Zelda or rather Din said.

"Umm... Maybe we-no! you should go there and get help and I-I'll stay here!" Link stuttered.

"What's wrong with you?" Zelda said.

"Din-I MEAN ZELDA!" Link yelled.

She burst into flames, getting rid of her Zelda image revealed her true form. Din was tall and thin, her hair was flaming like the rest of her body. She wore her usual tank top and short shorts, influence be the real world. "Smart kid." she said. "I expected it to last longer. Just long enough for you to realize the camp was a lie and to get ambushed only to be taken back to that tiny cell..."

"How did you-how were you able to look like Zelda?" Link questioned.

"Same way I'm going to trick Emily into thinking I'm you. Magic." Link jumped and his heart started beating fast. "Wipe that smile off your face, she'll be dead before you can see her! A little friendly hug and a knife should do the trick, then the necklace, and the destruction of the world will begin." Din smiled evilily at Link's face.

He was terrified, he had to come up with a plan quick. Then it struck him. "How do you know if Emily's coming back?"

"My little friend has been spying on her..."


"I'm not gonna blurt out their identity like you did mine. Now you obviously know too much. Let's go!"

Link started running away. The last thing he heard her say was. "There's no where to run the spies are everywhere!"

(QotC  "Din was tall and thin, her hair was flaming like the rest of her body. She wore her usual tank top and short shorts, influence be the real world." Because I really truly thought all stereotypical teenage girls were evil. XD)

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