Chapter 11- "The Legendary Captain"

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I step off the aircraft. We are finally here. I excitedly look around. The rest of Rex's squad went to their dorms for some much needed rest. Rex nudges me, and gets my attention.

"When we get to the Blue Common Room, you can take your helmet off." He said quietly to me.

"Why can't I take it off now?" I say quietly back.

"I don't want people to stare at you because the legendary female clone is real." He start walking away. I follow soon after.

"Wait, wait, wait... I'm legendary?! I'm not even that old biologically! I'm not some sixty year old dude." I let out my tiny rant.

"Yes you're legendary because you got put into war at only age 15. And now you're like what... 22-ish? And stop talking, you'll give yourself away." He scolded me quietly.

I lost track on how old I am... Is that bad?

I nod anyway, finally getting it. But I'm not that much of a hero. Inspiration? Sure, maybe to some people. Hero? No. I barely did anything. All I was, was a female clone that lead her squad alongside Captain Rex, which has to be for sure, legendary. At only the age of 15- Wait... I see it now.

I get wrapped up in my thoughts, as we enter the common room. Rex once again nudges me to get my attention. "You can take your helmet off now." He whispered close to where my ear would be. I nod. I slowly take off my helmet as Rex calls for the attention of the rest of the clones in the Blue Common Room. I hear whispers before I fully take my helmet off. Like, 'Why does Captain have an old rust bucket'. As Rex gets the all of their eyes on us. I let my short wavy hair, fall around my face. I put my helmet under my arm. The whole room falls silent.

"I-Is that...?" One of the privates finally speak up. "Indeed it is, Private. Found her on the outskirts of the jungle. In a small village. About time she came home." The whole room lit up in cheers. All the clones come up to us and pat me on the back and welcome back me home. I grin wildly.

Rex sneakily grabs my free hand in the middle of the mix. I smile even wider.

This is home... This is where I belong. And I will remember my Alex, Forever.

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