Chapter 10- "Leaving Day"

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We stand by the aircraft. I look over at the people. I'm sure going to miss it here... What if they forget me? What if I forget them?!? That would be WAY worse...

What if I forget Alex?!? I shake my thoughts away. That's impossible... Those are the only things that are impossible.

I look back at the clones, finishing up and bidding their goodbyes. The children took a liking to them, which surprised me the most. I put my helmet on, and tuck away the hairs that stick out of the bottom. I sigh and think I need a hair cut.

"We need to get going, Commander." One of the squad members says to me. I nod, and head into the aircraft. I wave at the small crowd of people. The people look at us sadly, and wave back. I hear an occasional 'thank you' and 'goodbyes'. I step onto the aircraft with the rest of Rex's Squad. We steady ourselves, and take off. I look down at the ground below us. Rex puts a hand on my shoulder. I put my free on his. I let out a sigh. "It feels weird leaving..." I look over my shoulder at him.

"Well maybe this is what you need..." I nod in agreement.

Maybe this is all I need. Alex would love to see this, though. The view from up in the sky. I look out and see the village, slowly fading away. I turn and look over my shoulder, at Rex. "You know... I'm going to need to know your squad name, and your soldier's names when we get there. If I get to lead the squad alongside you once again." Realization flows over his face. I laugh as he scratches the back of his neck. "I wonder if General Skywalker will recognise me." I say after i'm done laughing. Rex tenses slightly.

"What Rex...? What's wrong?" I asked hesitantly. He averts his gaze to the ground below us.

General Skywalker went to the dark side... He gat a padawan after Order 66 though. Her name is Ahsoka. She is like a sister." I nod. I look at my feet.

"Why would he want to go to the dark side...? The people who kill us?!?" I tighten my grip on the handle, I'm utterly confused, and anger radiating off of me for the traitor.

"Well... I don't know..." Rex mumbles behind me. I shake my head, forgetting the thought. I don't want to think about it anymore.

I decide to change the subject. "What is it like there? Are there more clones? More jedi? Is Ahsoka nice?" I stop rambling questions at Rex, so I wont over load his tiny pea sized brain. I snicker at my own thought.

"What's so funny?" Rex looks around confused.

"You have a pea sized brain..." I burst out laugh. I clutch my sore stomach.

"Ha ha, very funny, Alex." I die down my laughter and look back up at Rex.

"Well... Are you going to answer my questions?" He nods.

"First, it is nice and clean, lots of space. Way more room than the Kamino base had. Second, yes there are more clones, without the chip. Third, there is more Jedi, but most of them are padawans, or in training. Lastly, Ahsoka is nice, you will like her." I nod. I'm so happy to see it! I was so close, but yet so far away from the new base. But on the outside, I'm keeping my cool so I won't fall out of the aircraft...

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