Chapter 3- "Those Darn Clankers!" (2 years later)

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I wake up to the noise metal stopping on ground. What in the world is that noise...? I sit up and peek out the tent flap. I see clankers carrying the people's crates of food and goods. I look back to see if Alex is still asleep, and he is thankfully. I grab my plasma pistol from my little side table me and Alex made, and sneak out of the small tent. I go behind some of the crates the clankers already placed. I scan the area, and there is a suicide droid at the front of one of the cargo tanks. I sneak around, ducking behind posts and crates. Once I get close enough to the suicide droid, I sneak up behind him and jump on his back. The ticking of his bomb starts. I tear off his back plait, and tear out a few of his wires, there is a time bomb at the bottom of them. 5... I rush to take out all of the bomb wires. 4... I struggle to get the last three. 3... I tug one more time. 2... and the ticking stops.

The clanker's body falls to the ground with a loud bang. All of the other clankers stop what they're doing and look at me. I gulp. There is only twenty or so of them... not that many right? They all raise their plasma blasters at me. Crap... I take out a homemade smoke grenade, and smash it on the ground. I run behind one of the taller buildings, and climb up the stairs up the back of the building. I get my plasma pistol out of my holster, and I lay down on my stomach, to hide. The clankers start chattering, confused on where I went. I start firing plasma pistol at them. I take out about half of them before they figure out where I am. I put my pistol back in my holster. I need to get rid of these clankers before they destroy everything. I need to jump down...

I gain some speed and jump off the roof, plasma shots barely missing me. I land on top of a clanker. I grab its plasma blaster and start shooting the others. Four more left, and a lucky shot shoots the gun out of my hands. I duck and roll out of the way, going behind a post. I stand up and hide behind the post. A clanker walks by the post. I look up, jump up and grab onto one of the rafters. I swing my body and kick the clanker down. I swing off the rafter and and land on top of the clanker, crushing its head in the process.

Three left, and I go to grab my plasma pistol, but it's not there. I hurriedly grab the clanker's plasma blaster. I rush behind the post again, as the clankers once again start to shoot. I find the right time to turn and shoot back. I spot my plasma pistol just behind the last three. I lay a shot on one, making the clanker fall dead. Two more. I look around for a get away.

A vent that leads into the building is right in front of me. I blast the vent open and jump through the opening, landing in a dark narrow area. I turn my night vision on in my helmet, and start to crawl through. The vent opens up on the building's first floor. I blast the vent open once again, and crawl through. The building is pitch black so I keep my night vision on. It's the saloon. Almost the main attraction in this small village. I climb the stairs, and throw a smoke bomb down stairs as the last two clnakers bash through the doors.

I wait for the smoke to fully spread before I go down. The night vision helps me see through the smoke. I shoot a clanker, then the blaster jams. "Those darn clankers with crappy blaster!" I whisper angrily to myself. The last clanker shoots randomly into the smoke. I dodge and duck from a few that went my way. The smoke slowly start to clear out. I sneak up behind the clanker and tackle it. Knocking its blaster away from it. I break its head off and threw it on the ground. I let out a grunt of tiredness. I walk out of the saloon. Its sunrise now. The people start to slowly come out of their homes. I wave to them to show its safe now. Whispers are heard throughout the village.

I grab my plasma pistol, then start to clean up, but the village pastor stops me. "No, no. You rest, Blue. We clean up." He smiles at me and pushes me away. I shake my head and smile behind my helmet. I walk back to my tent and find a sleeping Alex. I grin even wider. I lay down on my cot and lull myself to sleep thinking, these people are the best... 

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