Chapter 6- "This Can't Be Happening!"

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After me and Rex broke apart, I picked up the crate, and put it away. I turn back to Rex and hold out the piece of my helmet. "A happy ending to a nightmare is way better than a dream getting crushed." I sympathize him the tiniest bit as I hand him the piece back.

"Don't you want it? To fix your helmet...?" Rex asked, confused at my decision. I shake my head.

"The people like me better all old and disheveled, not new and shinny." I finished off as I walked away. I hear Rex chuckle lightly.

Alex bounds up to me and asks, "Can we go hunting, momma?" He asked me excitedly. I think over it a little bit. With the Rex and his squad here, the village would be safe... But also, with them here, there could be danger we don't know about out there... I look down at Alex again, he looks so excited...

I give in, "Alright, alright. Just for a little while, alright? I don't want you getting hurt, there could be something out there." He groans at my statement. "You ALWAYS make it quick! Can't we go out a little bit longer??" Alex over exaggerated. We walk back to the tent and he grabs his little knife, and I grab my plasma pistol.

We get to our normal hunting spot, and I boost Alex up the tree. I jump up after him. We sit on a sturdy, low branch. We sat like that for hours. Being as quiet as wolves hunting their prey.

Something should came by at least once by now, though! I hear a rustle in the bushes to my right. But when I look, it's definitely not an animal.

A squadron of high artillery clankers, and a few normal ones come out. Alex grabs my arm, and I turn to him. He looks to terrified to even move. I put my finger up to my lips for a signal to be quiet. He nods, and lets go of my arm.

I inch my hand closer to my plasma pistol, hoping to get a chance to take them all down and protect Alex. Instead of grabbing it, I accidently push my plasma pistol off the branch instead. All the dang clankers look up at me and Alex. I immediately grab Alex and jump off the tree, and sprint in the direct of the village. I get about ten meters before their plasma bullets get closer to Alex and I. I stumble, but I keep moving. I need to get Alex to safety as soon as possible.

Plasma bullets fly past me as I hear the clankers run after us. Alex is trembling and crying in my arms. I get hit in my left side, the opposite I'm holding Alex thankfully. I gasp in pain and I fall to the ground, dropping and losing Alex in the process.

"Alex! RUN!" I yelled at him. He look at me and back at the clankers. He shakes his head, gets up, and rushes to my side and starts searching through my belt. I pull him under me so he won't get shot, him still looking through my belt. He takes out a few of my grenades. I look at him in disbelief.

"I love you, momma..." He says finally. He kisses my cheek. The clankers get closer and another plasma bullet goes through my left thigh. I hug Alex to the ground as tears roll down my face. This can't be happening!

I look down at Alex with pleading eyes. I cry harder. "Alex please... " I plead as he gets out of my grip and runs towards the clankers. I try getting up to get him, but another plasma bullet goes through my right shoulder, knocking me down. I scream out in pain. The grenades go off, sending me back into a tree.

My back slams in the tree, and I tumble to the ground. My ears ringing, and tears streaming down my face. I failed Alex... I could've saved him! The ringing in my ears stop and I look up with blurry vision. The tree line isn't that far from here, I could have made it... I could have saved Alex...

White figures run through the tree line towards me, I try moving back to see Alex. I NEED to see Alex, but my injuries are preventing me. I faintly hear my name being called, like is echoing down a giant tunnel. I shake my head and try harder to move to see Alex. I faintly here yells at me to stop moving, but don't. I need to get to my son...

Large hand grab onto my waist, I cry out in pain as they start pulling me into their body. I struggle against them, but I just continue hurting myself. A hand leaves my waist, and starts to stroke my hair. I stop moving, wanting to give up. I start seeing black dots in my vision as the person starts to pick me up. And now all I can see... Is black... 

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