"That's good." I mumbled nodding. I hope she's not one of those daddy's girl type of female. She do look like a good fit for Jay. She's pretty, around my height and she's smart.

"What about you?" She asked.

"See with me, I have two children. I have a little girl and boy. I didn't go to college sadly. I have a older brother of course." I smiled. "Nothing major." I added. She chuckled. "And I model." I added.

"You do look like the modeling type. Is it hard work?" She asked.

"Nah, training is the most difficult thing. Other then that it's really fun. What you do?" I asked.

"I'm a therapist." She said nodding.

"I had to go therapy my sophomore year. I hated it every minute." I said. "But it worked." I added.

"I love my job. I try to make my patients feel comfortable." She said. "But I been offered a good paying job in California." She sighed.

"You thinking about moving?" I asked.

"I really don't know. I don't wanna be away from Jay. That'll break his heart." She said. "And mine too." She added.

"I think you should talk to him about that." I said.

"I was going to, but I don't know if I wanna move all the way down there and away from my family." She said.

"All your family down here?" I asked.

"Not really, most of my family is from Germany." She said.

"I didn't not know that." I said in shock.

"Y'all motherfuckers been talking forever." Jay said coming back in the kitchen, with Chris behind him.

"Oh my god, you're Chris Brown." Destini said fanning her face.

"Nice meeting you." Chris smiled. I made a little stank face.

"More attention on me please." Jay said moving her face to his.

"Jadah can I talk to you in private right quick please?" Chris asked before walking back into the living room. I sighed getting up walking in there shortly after him sitting down.

"What?" I asked slightly annoyed with him.

"I heard about you and Bryson." He said. Making me 38

"Look Chris, don't think since me and Bryson just broke up I'm going to just let you back into my -"

"I'm not trying to get you back right now." He said interrupting me. "I just wanna know what you think about taking Ryan and Royalty on a vacation together." He said.

"A vacation?" I asked studying his face.

"Yes, we can go to my house in Hawaii and stay there for a week." He shrugged.

"I don't know Chris, you can take the kids but I don't think it's a good idea if I go." I said.

"Jadah, stop playing with me. I was just letting you know the information. You're going with us." He chuckled.

"You're not going to force me to go with you Chris." I said.

"I'm not forcing you, I'm just telling you, you're going. We're leaving Friday." He said.

"Sounds to me like you're forcing me." I said.

"You know you wanna come so stop flexing." He chuckled. I just looked at him. I don't know if he has been smoking or drinking before coming here or what.

"Chris if I got you gotta promise me you're going to be on your best behavior." I said.

"I pinky promise." He chuckled holding his pinky out.

"You been drinking before you came here didn't you?" I asked connecting our pinkies.

"Most definitely." He said getting up. "Ima go upstairs and play with the kids." He said before walking up my fucking stairs in my fucking house.

I shake my head going back into the kitchen with Destini and Jay.

"He wanna take the kids on a vacation to Hawaii, and want me to come along." I said sitting down.

"Hell I wanna go." Jay said after sucking his teeth. "Shit." He added. I chuckled.

"Jay baby we can go in a month or so." Destini smiled.

"Okay baby girl." He said returning a smile. He's so hooked on his girl. "When do y'all leave?" He asked.

"We're leaving Friday." I sighed.

"Today is Tuesday." Destini said. "Aren't you going to go shopping?" She asked.

"Of course." I chuckled. "I would really like it if you would go with me." I smiled looking at her. Jay looked at her then me smiling.

"I would love to go." She smiled.

"Good, we'll go tomorrow around Noon." I said.

"Perfect." He said.

August pov,

"Bey yuh' okay babeh?" I asked holding her hair as she threw up.

"Yeah." She said sighing leaning against the wall. "August I'm pregnant." She said.

"Congratulations." I said.

"August im serious." Beyonce said.

"Meh too. Who da' daddy?" I asked.

"August I'm pregnant." She repeated.

"We den' figured dat' out babeh' ." I said shrugging.

"August we're having a baby." She said.

"Beyonce, stop playin' wit meh'."

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