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Months later

Erik POV
"You've been crawling for ages, you can do it!" I encouraged Marybeth, kneeling on the ground next to Charles.

Our child teetered on her feet, grinning.

"Come on, you can do it!" Charles beaconed her towards him. "God, I feel like a hypocrite." He laughed to me. I nudged him playfully.

Mary stepped towards us uncertainly. "Come on darling, come here." My spouse called to her.

I turned the video camera between the two of them. Mary toddled to Charles.

"Yes! Yes!" I called as he took her onto her lap, praising her gratuitously. She giggled and mumbled baby gibberish.

He lifted her above him, playing with her in praise. "She did it love, she did it!"

The baby sat on Charles' thighs, mumbling and tugging at his shirt curiously. I handed her the baby cup full of formula. She sucked on it, eyes closing. Charles smiled, softly stroking her hair. She fell against his chest, fast asleep.
He set her in the playpen, pulling himself close to me, leaning up to kiss me, it started out sweet enough, but when I accidentally brushed his leg against my groin as a crouched, I was instantly turned on. The kids were with friends so we had the house to ourselves till the baby woke, so about a good twenty minutes. I pressed him against the bed, kissing him passionately. I rubbed lightly along the line of the end of his feeling, something of a pleasure to Charles.

The baby squealed. Charles quickly tugged on pants.

"I'll get her." He didn't bother with a shirt as he pushed out of the room.

I waited patiently for about ten minutes before sliding on pants and walking out into the main room. The sight I saw I would never forget.
A shirtless Charles clutched our baby, who was in only a diaper, to his chest as he curled around her, softly singing.

"You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine,
You make me happy,
When skies are gray,
You'll never know
How much I love you,
Please don't take,
My sunshine away..."

He finished, now humming the song quietly as he held our daughter.
I silently took a picture with my phone before coming into his view.
A blush creeped across his cheeks as he looked up to see me.

"You are absolutely adorable." I stroked his hair.

He leaned against my bare chest, stunning blue eyes piercing the air  around us, drawing it away. We may have been married, but the fire certainly didn't go out. We cuddled the child together, chests against each other, my chin on the top of his head as I pulled him onto my lap. Marybeth was asleep, but neither of us wanted to move. I traced designs on my spouses bare back, making him lean closer into me.

"You have a beautiful voice, liebling." I whispered in his ear.

"You heard that?" His hushed tone brushed against my ear.


He buried his head against me, hot breath tickling the hairs on my neck.

"It was the most beautiful voice I've heard, honey." I assured against his hair.

We just leaned against each other for an irrelevant amount of time. It never mattered about time when I was with him, just that we were together.
The door eventually creaked open, followed by whispers and a camera flash. We jumped in surprise, waking Mary in the process.

"Raven, I-uh, completely forgot you were coming." Charles sputtered.

Raven just giggled, as did Azazel.

I picked him up. "Erik." My spouse whined, handing the baby to Raven.

I set him on the bed, throwing him a shirt.

"Erik, this isn't mine." I grinned like a shark. "It makes you look even cuter though."

He sighed, sliding the baggy shirt on.

I did the same and we went back out into the main room, Charles accepting being carried this time.

"Awe." Raven cooed, snapping a picture.

"What's with you and pictures?"

"Mary will need something to look at of her parents when she was a baby!" Azazel sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Here she goes again."

Raven punched him playfully.

Charles went to the side of the playpen and lifted the giggling baby, setting her on the floor next to their child. The two played, and the kids came home, they rode the bus today.

"Oh, hey Raven. Hey Azazel." They greeted, flinging their backpacks onto the ground.

Charles went over to hang the bags on the hooks, being the clean freak he was. He then continued to straighten any mess they made since they came home.

Raven and Azazel visited frequently, so it was really no surprise that they showed up. Charles began to cook, the house filling with the smell of food.

We all sat around the table, eating and talking and enjoying each other's company.

Days well spentWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt