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Charles POV
I woke, laying on a very comfortable bed, Erik curled around my back.

"I love you." I mumbled.

"Love you too." He muttered automatically.

I groaned, pulling myself up into a sitting position. Erik woke up, rubbing my arm. I realized how much I loved this man.

"Erik, did you carry me in here last night?" I asked, remembering falling asleep on the couch.

He nodded.

"In front of your family?" I asked uncertainly.

"They thought it was so cute."

I rolled my eyes. "You didn't happen to bring my chair in here, did you love?" I asked, looking over the side on the bed. 

He said something angrily in German. I felt the urge to kiss him right there.

"I'll be right back." He said, getting up and walking out of the room.

He returned with the chair. I blushed, looking down. The bed was pretty high up because it had a box spring and then a mattress, so he gently set me into the chair. I beaconed him back down as he was standing. As soon as he crouched down I kissed him. It wasn't heated, just kind. I checked the time. It was nine.

We exited the room and the house was already buzzing with activity. Wanda and the eight year old were playing on the floor with dolls. Adeline. I remembered her name. Adeline dumped out a small bucket of accessories. Wanda rushed to put it in a small pile by habit. Peter was off playing with his action figures and I didn't know where Jason was. Tiffany sat at the table on a iPod touch. Andrew and Allison sat at the table as well, next to her. Erik took a seat across from them. I awkwardly moved forward, next to Erik. I sort of shrunk down, uncomfortable with the situation. Erik cleared his throat and started a conversation with his family.

"So Tiffany, what were you going over in science?" Erik asked casually.

"Well, we were going over the human body and what it is, basically." She replied a bit unsurely.


I felt where he was going with this. He was going to bring me into the conversation.

"Charles researches human body stuff for a living."

I glared at him.

"Genes, Erik, and genetic mutation. I don't think it's relevant to the conversation." I corrected.

"Anyway, if you have questions you should totally ask him." He said teasingly.

I playfully punched him in the arm. "I probably won't know the answer."

"He gives me too much credit." I glared at him some more.

"Oh be quiet, genius." He taunted.

"Nope, no genius here."

I felt a bit more relaxed. I saw Tiffany smirk out of the corner of my eyes. Erik and I continued to playfully banter over the matter. I smiled lightly as he took my hand under the table.

"So what exactly is a genetic mutation?" Tiffany asked.

"Well, genetic mutations took us from single cells organisms to the dominant form of life on the planet, genetic mutations are changes that allow for blue eyes, auburn hair, things like that." I clarified.


Erik smirked. "Told you he was a genius."

"Nope still not a genius, sorry love."

Lies. Erik mouthed to Tiffany. I pretended not to notice. Suddenly, Erik and Andrew began to have a rapid conversation in German. I gave my boyfriend a confused look. He continued in his conversation.

"He was just asking if we wanted to go to the waterpark later." Erik cleared the confusion.

"I-I don't know. Sure?" I answered.

They continued the conversation in German. I recognized my name and Erik's a few times and then Erik nodded.

"Well then I guess we'll go to the waterpark." Erik said in English.

Tiffany grinned. "Yes!" She exclaimed excitedly.

Once at the waterpark, I watched from dry land, Erik sitting beside me.

"Do you want to go in, darling?" He asked me quietly.

"I don't know, look at all these people, and your family." I replied, a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, no one cares." He assured.

"Okay love. Go ahead." I sighed uncertainly.

He gently lifted me, walking towards the wave pool. Upon entering he smiled down at me.

"Is it cold?" I asked as he went deeper into the water.

"No." He replied, sinking me into the water so I could feel. It felt nice. I watched the children play with the tubes and go down the slides. I held myself up, using Erik's shoulder. He tucked his arm around my chest and I was able to stay upright. We watched as the children swam about, laughing and talking. Jason sat on the side of the pool.

"Come on, Jason." I coaxed.

He swished his feet in the water.

"He doesn't talk." Erik whispered in my ear.

Jason sank more of his legs into the water.

"Come on then Jason, you can do it." I said, and he stepped into the water.

He made a noise in surprise. Jason stomped in the water, and I leaned my head against Erik, smiling.

"You work miracles, Xavier." He said.

I shook my head. "I don't think so, Erik."

"It's like you can get inside their heads." He said.

I scoffed. "If only. That would be really amazing though."

He waded deeper as I clung to him. He grabbed my legs, walking until the water was up to his chest. I adjusted the swimming shirt, it floating up with the water.

"You could take that thing off, you know." Erik raised an eyebrow.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" I smirked.

"Oh, you know I would."

I tugged the shirt over my head. "Better?"


••I tried a new writing style, I'm not sure whether to continue writing in this style or go back to my old one. Can anyone lend me some tips on where to go with this story or how to improve my writing? Thanks,

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