Chapter 10: Bleu

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Sorry for the long wait.


Bleu didn't know how to feel about the mating mark. He loved it, it connected them, but at the same time, it sealed his fate. He was just a teenager and right now, he didn't know how to feel about being tied down for the rest of his life. He already had a gorgeous son and a sex god of a mate but it just felt he was incomplete somehow. Maybe it's because he's so young..or maybe it was because the urge to have a child as an alpha's mate is ridiculously strong, but Bleu felt empty.

"Hey babe, Meison wants you to bathe him, do you mind?"

Bleu tried to smile, "No problem."


Having an actual family was weird. Bleu was used to having a fake smiling family, but now he was a stay at home mom with a man that was basically considered his husband. He wouldn't trade it for anything, but he wanted more. 

Jonah brushed a piece of hair out of Bleu's paler than life face, "Whatcha thinking about bub?"

Bleu blushed, contemplating whether or not he should actually tell Jonah his wants.

"Awh look at my little tomato," Jonah chuckled. 

"What do you think about having a baby?" Bleu blurted out and then covered his mouth.

Jonah was speechless. Of course this happened to scare the teen who ended up with apologies spilling from his mouth.

"Babe, calm down, I'm not freaking out, okay? I would love to have an addition to our family...but I think maybe we need to wait a little while. Your parent would kill me if I got you pregnant right after we mated."

Bleu felt humiliated. His wolf was screaming for a baby and his dear mate had denied him the pleasure. Tears rose to his eyes and slowly spilled down his cheeks, causing Jonah to freak out, even more. 

"No, no Bleu please don't cry. I would love to have a baby okay, just maybe not right this instant. We just mated, and I'm sorry if this is killing your wolf, but we cannot have a baby right now. You're really young and that would piss your parents off. Plus, right now, you're not even part of my pack and we have Meison, who's a complete handful. A little time needs to go by for adjustment and then we can make all the babies you want." Jonah's hands ran through the submissive wolf's hair, hoping to add another layer of reassurance. 

No matter what Jonah said, Bleu's wolf had taken his mate's rejection of the baby idea personally, and it hurt. His heart pounded against his rib cage. Blood rushed through his ears. His hands shook while his eyes watered more. Feeling enough humiliation for the day, Bleu  took Jonah's hands off of him and ran through the pack house, trying to wipe away the hot tears. 


Bleu was lost. He was cold. His lips were turning a lovely shade of blue. It was too soon for him to go... but maybe he just wasn't meant for the mated life.


Wolves ran in every direction, trying to find their newly claimed Luna. It had been hours since he had run out of the house and nobody had been worried until he hadn't come back by sunrise. Now,  everyone was in a panic trying to find him, especially Jonah. 

His scent was nowhere to be found. They searched and searched, but only came up with a few deer tracks and some scattered twigs. 

Oh what a tragedy this was.


Bleu was starting to regret every decision he made in life. Well, mainly just the baby rejection. Oh how he regretted asking his love to start a family of a true mate bond. But how was he supposed to deny his needy wolf?

Snapping twigs broke Bleu out of his frozen trance. Wolves looked at his pale, blue lipped figure and quickly huddled around him, trying to protect their Luna. Weakly, he tried to push them off, but the cold had gotten to him and he gave up, embracing the warmth.


He didn't know how he got here. The sheets wrapped around his body smelled of lavender and honey, quickly letting him know this wasn't the room he shared with his beloved. Bleu opened his eyes, letting them adjust to the light before he looked around the unfamiliar room. It was plain, and filled with useless medical equipment. Someone had brought him to the infirmary, someone who was most likely Jonah.

"Luna," A  smooth, feminine voice appeared out of nowhere. "It's a wonder how your wolf let you go out in the frigid weather. I would assume that motherly instincts would've kicked in rather quickly, but I guess not."

Motherly instincts?

Surely she couldn't mean Bleu was carrying pups..or had she?

"Pardon me," Bleu's voice was raspy. "did you say motherly instincts?"

The doctor smiled, "Yes, motherly instincts. You're pregnant Luna, congratulations. Maybe now would be a good time to let the Alpha in, he's been worried out of his mind. Perhaps this good news," Bleu gulped, "would cheer him up."

The rather beautiful lady walked out of the room, and returned shortly with Jonah, who looked like he hadn't seen a wink of sleep in years.  Quickly, he embraced Bleu and started shaking, hot tears falling on his lover's shoulder. Sobs left the Alpha, which had everyone in the room quite surprised. 

"I was so worried, baby. When the pack found you... you were so pale...and your lips," Another sob left the man's throat. "your lips were so blue, I thought you had died." Tears shone in his eyes as his small mate sat there staring off into space.

"Bleu baby...are you okay?" Worry, as always, was evident in his voice. 

No, he wanted to scream and shout. He wanted to scream from the rooftops that he was pregnant and needed his lover's support. But of course, he wasn't going to do that, not after what Jonah had said to him. Not after he had rejected their child. 

Bleu smiled, a rather plastic like smile, "Of course, I'm fine, babe. Nothing to worry about here."


Guys I am soooo sorry about the lateness and shittiness of this chapter. I started school and marching band is kicking my ass so I haven't had much time to write. I'm not really proud of this...but I owe you guys a chapter, so here it is.


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