"Stop this at once!" A new voice filled the area and Athos' eyes flickered over the appearing form of Captain Treville. "That is an order!" Athos felt himself hesitate as he considered going against his Captain's order and so failed to see D'Artagnan lunge to grab the pistol from his hands. Athos turned just in time to see the boy and as he twisted to avoid him, felt his finger press on the trigger.

Time slowed as he felt his hostage twist from his grasp and watched D'Artagnan fall to the floor, a musket ball in his side.

Morning light filled the quiet Garrison as Constance raced through the gate, her head turning quickly to try and locate the one person she knew would help her.

"Anna!" She called out to the woman as the blonde exited one of the small rooms just off the training area. "Where is he?" Anna crossed the courtyard and embraced the woman. "Where is D'Artagnan?"

"He's not here." She told her softly.

"Tell me he isn't dead!" Constance pleaded as Anna ran a hand through her hair and sighed. "Anna, please!"

"There's been no news since last night." Constance let out a sob at her words. "Constance I'm sorry but there's nothing I can tell you."

"Why would he fight with Athos?" She asked, confusion evident in her eyes.

"It's not what you think-"Anna began but was cut off by Porthos as he and Aramis joined them.

"It was over a woman." He told her simply as they flanked Anna.

"Milady de Winter." Constance sighed as realisation hit her. "This is my fault! I drove him into her arms!"

"Constance, why don't you go home?" Aramis placed a hand on her shoulder. "If we hear anything, we'll let you know." He assured her.

"Anna?" Constance turned to her friend and frowned as she stayed silent.

"We'll let you know." Aramis repeated as he gave her a gentle push toward the gate. "I promise." Constance nodded slowly before leaving the Garrison.

"I'll go see if he's still feeling murderous." Anna mumbled before turning and entering the room from which she had emerged. There was a beat of silence before Porthos spoke.

"Constance is upset."

"She loves him." Aramis reminded the man.

"She said she didn't."

"And you believe that?" Aramis scoffed. "You only have to look at her to know." He nodded towards the room Anna had entered. "Constance loves him almost as much as they love each other."

"Nah, Anna never has that look on her face."

"Porthos my friend, you truly are oblivious."

D'Artagnan strode into the Garrison hours later one hand clutching his injured side as he scanned the grounds.

"D'Artagnan." The boy turned at the sound of his name and was deftly intercepted by the Captain.

"What do you want, Captain?" D'Artagnan almost sighed at the look on the man's face.

"Athos has made it clear he can never serve at your side again." The words hit D'Artagnan hard. "I cannot allow such dissent within the ranks and so...I'm sorry but your future lies elsewhere."


"Resign your commission quickly and I'll see no dishonour is attached to your name." Treville tried to quiet him but the boy remained outraged.

"No! I don't deserve this! What have I done wrong?"

"I'm not here to judge you, D'Artagnan; I simply have to make a choice and Athos is the finest soldier in this regiment...I choose him."

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