Athos leant against the doorframe of Constance's kitchen the next morning watching Anna sang softly to the gurgling baby as she rocked her.

"My mother used to sing that to Thomas." Anna turned to face him with a startled gasp.

"How long have you-"

"Long enough." He smiled. "It calms her as it used to calm him, I see." He crossed the room and stroked Marie's head lightly.

"It would appear so." She murmured. "Anyway, I'm glad you're here." She passed him Marie who snuggled into his chest. "Constance is collecting fabric; D'Artagnan is at the Garrison so there was no one to watch her..." She motioned to her clothing and Athos noticed her still wearing her nightgown.

He nodded in understanding before she darted into her room and began to change.

"Oh and can you feed her, please?" He saw the bottle on the table and seconds later he was sat with Marie in his arms, feasting on the warmed milk.

"Good morning!" Aramis' voice filled the kitchen as he stepped into the home. "Just wanted to say hello to- oh, sorry." He smirked when he saw Athos' comfortable position with Marie. "Well don't you look domesticated?" Athos rolled his eyes at his friend's smirk as Anna bustled out of her room in a dress more appropriate than a nightgown.

"Good morning." She greeted as she stoked the fire Constance had instructed her to keep an eye on.

"You make such a lovely family." Aramis grinned at the sight of his two friends in a very domestic setting.

"Can we help you?" Athos grumbled as he removed the now empty bottle from Marie's mouth and kicked his feet onto the table allowing the child to sit up against his legs.

"I simply wanted to check in on Marie." Aramis smiled as the girl in question grabbed at the locket concealed by Athos shirt and began to play with it. "But I see she is well and so I will be in my way." He bowed slightly to Anna before leaving the home with a smirk.

"I didn't know you still wore that." Anna said as she stirred whatever Constance was cooking.

"Did you not notice it when we...?" He trailed off with a smirk.

"I was a little preoccupied." She reminded him. "But I am glad to see it now." As she spoke Marie found the latch and flipped the locket open to reveal a pressed forget-me-not sealed inside.

Her small fingers traced the blue flower with wonder as the light hit its petals.

"It's nice to see you like this." Anna quirked an eyebrow at Aramis as she haggled for bread at the market. "All relaxed and out of uniform." She looked down at her casual dress. "Even your hair is down." He watched the child in his arms play with Anna's loose hair.

"It would draw attention to us if a woman in a Musketeer uniform was carrying a baby." She reminded him as she placed the reduced price bread into her basket and handed the merchant some coins.

They moved slowly down the street stopping only to fill Anna's basket.

"She is inquisitive, is she not?" He laughed as Marie reached up and pulled at his beard.

"Very." Anna chuckled as he pried her fingers from his chin. "Do you want children?" She asked him, noticing how well he interacted with Marie.

"Eventually." He told her quietly. "With the right woman." He blew a raspberry into Marie's hand causing the girl to shriek with laughter. "You?"

"Eventually." She reached into her basket and held out a grape to the child. "But it seems more unlikely as the days pass." She sighed.

"And Athos?" She stiffened at the sound of his name.

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