Chapter Eleven

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I woke up around 8:36 and just sat in my bed, thinking about Joe and what happened at the club. I was briefly scared about him. I tried to text him but he didn't answer. I tried to call him but it went straight to voice mail. I got dressed in a white top and some shorts. I just wore my ugg boots cuz why not? I couldn't be bothered doing my makeup and I just quickly did a messy bun. I was thinking about going to Joes house if he was home. I got a taxi to drive to his house. It only took about 15 minutes to his house. I got out and payed the taxi driver. I walked up to their door and knocked a couple of times until someone opened the door. I saw Hollies face in surprise. "Cassie! What are you doing here?" She asked in shocked. My eyes started to water and then I ran and hugged her tight. She hugged me back tight and said worriedly " Come in. Come in. We can talk about it in the living room." I walk in and sat on their couch with Hollie and she hands me a tissue to wipe my tears. "Thanks." I said nicely. "What's wrong Cassie? I haven't seen you like this... Is this about Joesph?" She asked. I nodded my head and cried even more. "I'm just so worried about him.. Where is he?" I said sadly. "He's at the hospital. Getting his nose checked and X-Rayed with mum and dad." She calmly says. "He's going to be ok." She continue. I wiped my tears away and then hugged her again.

We talked until I heard someone come in threw the door and I saw it was the parents home. "Hello! Cassie!" They both said."Hello Mr and Mrs Fox!" I say happily. The when I saw Joes face, I ran to him and hugged him in relief. I start to have tears down my face and onto his. He hugs me tight that I can't let go! I look at his face and this that he has a black eye, a huge cut on his lip and a bandage around his nose. "I've been so worried about you Joe. I didn't know what else to worry about.." I say worriedly. "Don't worry about me Cas, I'm fine." He said calmly. "No Joe, your not fine, your a mess! You've been beaten up!" I cried. We were about to go up stairs until Joes Father yelled "Joesph! You are not aloud to go anywhere else out of the house only if it is a sport, work or something important." Joe gave a dirty look to his dad and quickly went up stairs to his room, pulling my hand with him. When I got in his room, I shut the door and stand their with a sad look. Joe then gets worked up and kicks his door, really hard nearly leaving a hole. "Joe?.." I quietly say. "Are you ok?" I asked. "No! I'm just really pissed I can't go anywhere anymore!" He yells and then bangs his cabinet with his fist. He sits on his bed trying to calm down. I sit next to him on the bed and he says to me calmly "Sorry if I got worked up. I just want to be with you and never leave you." He holds my hands and kisses me on the forehead. "Then come live with me then." I said nervously. He was surprised and was thinking about it. "..uhh..Just forget about it then..." I started to blush when he smiled and said "That might actually be a good idea." And then continued "I'm a 19 year old guy and I can do whatever I pleased to!" He then packs his clothes, his things and grabs his bags and puts everything in it. He takes his bags and runs down stairs, holding my hand?

"Where are you going Joesph?" His Mother asked. "Mum,Dad, it's about time I move out of this house and live with someone else, that I love." He looked at me and smiled. "Oh ok!" They both said. He hugged and kissed them both for goodbye. We got into his car. I told him where to drive because he didn't know where my apartment was. When we got there, he parked in a underground car park area. He got his bags and we walked to the elevator to go up. When we got into my apartment, he dropped his bags on the floor. He pushed me to the wall and started kissing me down my neck. "Hehe." I giggled. I started to blush so much. "I really do love you.." He whispered. "I'm glad you chose to live with me Joe." I whispered in his ear. He smirked and grabbed his bags and started to unpack. I grabbed myself a drink and went out on the balcony. Then I went on Twitter to see what's been up to date. Then I saw Joe tweet out 'Living with this one' with a photo of me out on the balcony, drinking and looking over the view.

He went up behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist. "Boo!" He yelled. I nearly spilt my drink. "You got me! I nearly spilt my drink!" I said laughing. I looked at his face again and saw how badly he got hurt. "Your lip.. It has a huge cu-" then Joe cuts me off saying "I know... I just gonna have to heal it by itself." I kissed him on the cheek and went back inside and started to cook some of my families secret recipe, Chicken meat soup! Joe was in the bathroom putting on healing cream on his bottom lip. He came out and sat on the couch and went to find a movie to watch. I got a text from Hollie. I opened it up and was so shocked when I saw it! She sent me:
Hollie: Drink bleach bitch!
Cassie: What?!

She didn't answer back but it was so shocking that I had to show Joe because that's his sister, he can't just let her say that to me. "Uhh.. Joe?" I said nervously. "Yes!" He replies. "Uh..umm..Your sister sent me a strange message that is really shocking.." I showed him the message that Hollie sent me and he was actually shock."I'm going to text my sister and sees what she says." He says angrily. This is how it was when he was texting his sister:
Joesph: Hey sis! Why'd you send a nasty text to Cassie?
Hollie is typing...
Hollie: What?! I didn't send Cassie any nasty text?! I haven't even texted Cassie yet!
Joesph: Oh Really?!! Why'd you text her 'Drink bleach bitch!'
Hollie: I'm fucking telling the truth Joesph! I did not send her that nasty text. I'm her fucking sister and law and why would I tell her to drink bleach in the first place?!
Joesph: I don't know! Maybe you hate her!
Hollie: I don't hate her for God sake! I love her like a friend and a sister and law! Don't fucking accuse me of sending that nasty text to her when I didn't!
Hollie: Someone must of hacked my account before I texted you cuz when I got that text from you I couldn't get into it and it kept crashing!

"She said that she didn't send that nasty text to you. She also said that someone must of hacked her account. Don't worry!" I nod my head and he gave me a bear hug for so long! I loved it! I kissed him on the cheek and went back to making my soup!

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