Chapter Three

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I have just woke up from my lovely sleep this time! I look at the time and almost shat my pants! It was 10:40! I had to quickly have a shower! Get changed in my ripped jeans and my tiedye blue shirt along with my vans. I quickly straighten my hair and put on my makeup! Ran to get my handbag, purse and phone and MY KEYS! I felt like I was running a marathon or a mission! It was 10:55 and I am trying to call Ash where I am meeting her but she didn't pickup! While I was trying to call her I hear a knock at the door and I say "I'm coming!" When I grab the door handle and open it and you wouldn't believe who was at the door.. ASH! She didn't even tell me she was meeting me at my apartment! ... That's just her! I say with surprised look "ASH! You didn't tell me?! You are really a bumbhole." I hug her and she asks "Are you ready?!" I reply with "Yass!" we both walk out of the apartment and I shut the door on the way out and we both take the elevator down obviously.

I ask her "Are we gonna take my car?" She replies with "Nah! We can walk there, it's not that far! It has a lot of shops in it!"
"Ok!" I say excitedly! It only took 20minutes to walk there and there was a lot of people there OBVIOUSLY. First we went to Kmart to buy a lot of shit. What I mean by shit is lots of different kind of chips, lollies that had a lot of sugar in it and chocolate. We had that all in our basket. A lot of people were staring at us but did we care, no shit we didn't care! We went to Victoria's Secret store to buy things we wanted. "This is fucking fun!" I whispered in her ear. She says laughing " Yes it is!" After that we had lunch, we both got salad and a boost juice! After awhile we kinda spilt up! I don't know how we got spilt apart but I will find her easy! While trying to find her I went to clothes shop, Jay Jays and some others I can't really remember

I was trying to text her but she didn't answer them. I tried to find service to try to call Ash but when I walking, I suddenly fell on the floor. I didn't slip like on a banana, I didn't faceplant on the floor. I fell on my ass on the floor. It wasn't dramatic fall. Everyone was looking at me like why I was on the floor. When I got my bags, I saw a hand out and when I look up at their face..Oh My Fucking Lord! I felt like I was in heaven or something! He had one of the most gorgeous face on earth! I felt like I was gonna faint but I didn't! When he put his hand out so I would get up I said so kindly "Omg I am so sorry for running into you! I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm just trying to find service to find my friend on my phone!" When he smiled, it just felt like I was really in heaven! He replied kindly with "No no! You shouldn't be the one saying sorry, I should! I also was on my phone texting to my friends and wasn't looking where I was going!" He was so sweet! I just can't get over how gorgeous he is! Then we both giggled about it. Then he asked me "Hey, what's your name?" I replied with "Cassie, Cassie Carson. Yours?" He then replied saying "Joesph! Joesph Fox, call me Joe for short!" Then I surprisingly sprung out and said "I am friends with your sister, Hollie! She's told me a lot about!" He was so surprised about it and said "When I had first looked at you I knew I had saw you somewhere! Hollie should me a picture of you once thats why I was thinking about who you were! And I do know she does talk about me to you cuz I look at her messages on her phone! Yes I am cheeky!" Then I giggle about it!

We talked and talked until surprisingly my phone was ringing that was Ash so I said to him sadly "Well I better take this call or she'll kill me, and it's not my mum!" We both giggled and then he says "Ok! See you if we both bump into each other again." We both laugh and wave to each other and walked off. I can't get over him! He's so cute and handsome! I answered the phone and she told me that she was the outside on the bench so I went to find the entrance to go out and I did find it and did see her! We both walked back to the apartment. When we got to my apartment, she called her mum and said that she was staying over at my place for the night. I also texted to Angus and Finn if they would like to come over and it went like this:
Cassie: Hey! Guys would you like to sleep over at my apartment tonight?
Finn is typing...
Angus is typing...
Finn: Yeah sure! I'm gonna start packing my clothes, who's gonna be there?
Angus: Sure!
Cassie: Me, Ash and you too guys! Come at any time! I'm just setting things up cuz I went shopping with Ash and we bought a lot a shit there!
Angus: Actual shit?
Cassie: No you dumbass! Food I bought!
Angus: ok! I'm gonna start packing. See you there!

"Ok Ash! You put the lollies and chips in separate bowls and you put them on the coffee table!" I said to Ash! "I'll be organising the blankets and pillows."

sorry if this is short guys! Im not really feeling well but as always I will be keeping then long! Not too long and not too short! This is my favourite chapter because it kinda comes with a bit of romance and a new character! Thanks always and have a great day! Xx

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