Chapter 11 "What Bestowed"

Start from the beginning

 Richard just rolled his eyes. "Your stepmother wasn't even at my house ye when I left. After all, she has to wait for prince charming and his dear father."

"Don't disrespect..." She started to see, but Richard stopped her by picking her up wedding style and twirling her around. Ella started laughing, "Put me down. Victoria probably thinks were mad."

With that being said, Richard let go of Ella and looked at Victoria who was ready to burst with laughter.

As Richard came to seat in the rocking chair, he said to her. "Do we amuse you?"

"Very much so." Victoria explained, then added. "Your entertaining to say the least."

But inside of being offended, he just said. "Well, thank you. We didn't want you thinking we were boring."

"Richard, please!" Ella just said, shaking her head, but Victoria could tell that Ella found Richard just as amusing as she did.

"Well, I have to go." Ella said once more, which left Victoria with the impression that Richard was suppose to stay and watch over her.

"You don't have to stay if you don't want to. I think I'm fine now to take care of myself" Victoria stated as she gave them a heated stare, letting them know that she was really ok. After all, she knew that her high temperature was long gone.

"Nonsense, Richard can stay for a little while to make sure your one hundred percent alright." Ella said. Then she turned to Richard and gave him a look, daring him to object, which left Victoria feeling rather uncomfortable at Ella's caring manner.

"Of course I can stay." He told Victoria with a smile. "The pack meeting doesn't start until evening time anyways."

"Good." Ella said once more, giving Richard a hug in return. She then turned towards Victoria. "I hope you feel better." Then she walked out of Victoria's room and down the stairs.

Once Ella left, Richard and Victoria just looked at each other in awkwardness for a few minutes. Then, forgetfully, she turned onto her back again and let out a painful cry. She sat up in bed and unconsciously touched her back. She then let out a flustered whimper at what she found.

"What's the matter?" Richard asked in concern. "does your back hurt?" He came rushing to her side, but Victoria didn't pay attention as she raced out of bed and ran behind her dressing screen. She pulled down half of her gown to find something fearsomely amazing as she looked into her mirror. 

Two little leaf-like structures where sticking out behind her shoulders. They were beautiful in color, starting out as a dark, purplish color and then ending in a more bluish one. When she moved her shoulders from side to side, they even looked apparent, like she could see right through them. She put her hands to her mouth as she let out a scream.

When hearing the scream, Richard ran behind the dressing screen and stopped short at what he saw. She turned to him to see his eyebrows raised.

"What's happening to me." She asked him as he started to compose his surprise.

He then looked at her, just starting into her eyes for along moment, which again, made her uncomfortable. "Your a fairy." He simply said as her eyebrows rose.

"A fairy?" She asked in disbelief. "I thought they were a myth?"

"A myth!" Richard echoed. "If there are shifters, seers and witches, then why not fairies?"

"I guess your  right." Victoria stated, but then she thought about it for another moment and it was still not adding up in her brain. "But, I can't be a fairy. After all, my parents are humans."

"They may be humans, but maybe you have an ancestor who was one?" Richard asked, trying to help.

Victoria then got this haunted look on her face as she walked to her bed and sat down at the end of it.

Richard then sat down next to her and took her hand. "It's going to be alright, I promise."

Victoria didn't know what took over her at that moment. Maybe she was in shock with knowing her knew found identity or maybe she just wanted comfort.  However, she knew what she did, she could never take back.

She brought her lips to his.


Richard eyes widen as Victoria started to kiss him. He didn't know what to do at first. After all, he didn't want to hurt her feelings and pull away, but at the same time he didn't know how he felt about it as well, other then it was nice. On the other hand,  he could tell that his wolf enjoyed it a lot. He was becoming restless because he wanted Richard to give in, so he did.

Richard deepen the kiss and pulled her closer to him. They just sat on the bed as they explore their mouths. He couldn't get enough of her and wanted to taste her more and more, so he picked to her up and sat her on his lap. He started to draw more kisses starting from her jaw and then down her neck. She let a groan, which let out a fire in his chest. He held her close as he took her mouth once more. They stayed in this heated passion for who knows how long.

But, then something went wrong. He wasn't in control anymore, becoming more animal-like and allowing his instinct to take action. He stopped kissing her and did something he will soon forget. He bit down on her neck, marking her as his.


Victoria scream in fright as she got off him, grapping her hurt neck in misery.

"What did you do?" She asked, but she already knew the answer. Richard marked her as his mate.

"Victoria, I can explain." Rich plead as he got up to try to take her hand, but she didn't want to hear it. She just want to get far way from him as possible. After all, first she finds out she's a fairy and now she a wolf's mate. She couldn't take this all in one day

"Get out!" She yelled.

Richard looked at her with cheerless eyes. "Please, listen."

"No!" She said as she was about to cry. "Just  leave."

With that, Richard gave her along look before he walked out of her room. Once he left, Victoria feel to the floor and started to sob.  

Cinderella with Claws (once called Cinderella Omega)Where stories live. Discover now