"Why were you guys here again." I gulped, trying to keep my heart rate steady. 'Oh Stiles was just trying to check you out.' I thought to myself.

"Oh Stiles was just telling his dad about what happened at the Senior Scribe." Theo raised his eyebrows. "His dad knows about the Supernatural?" I nodded. "Yeah he kinda found out a while ago. Same with my mom." I sighed. "But without him, we wouldn't have known Malia. We wouldn't have been able to save her."

"Malia, she's the were-coyote right?" I nodded. "Yeah." He nodded. "So you guys kinda have like a mini pack going on here. An Alpha. 2 Ariz'. A Banshee. A were-coyote."

I chuckled. "I guess you could say that. "But aren't you an Alpha-Ariz?" I nodded. "Yeah?"

"So why don't you start your own back instead of staying in Scott's." I shrugged. "Well Scott's not really my boss, but I have my own Beta."

"I guess, but with power like that, i'd start my own little pack. Unfortunately, i'm not an Alpha so I can't. I guess thats why im looking for one, so i'm not alone." I put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry. Scott will come along."

He smiled as we parked the car, getting out. "You think so?" I nodded. "He's Scott. He doesn't just shut people out like that."

"What about Stiles." I glanced up at Stiles who was standing with Malia, staring at Theo and I. Theo smiled and waved as Stiles turned his head away. "He'll come around."

We walked up the stairs, passing the new batch of Freshmen. "What's your first class?" I looked down at my schedule. "Um, AP Biology. What about you?"

"Me too " He smiled, stopping in front of a room. "This is us." He said as we walked into the room.

The room was your average biology room. A chalkboard. Countless pictures of molecules and animals on the walls.

We took our seats towards the back of the class. As I sat down, I noticed Kira, Scott, and Lydia all sitting in the front.

"Hey guys." I heard Scott say to Lydia and Kira, both of them giving him a look.

"Scott, are you in the right class?" He glanced down at his schedule. "AP Biology." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Do you know what AP stands for?" He nodded. "Advanced Placement." Since when did Scott get into AP classes?

"Welcome to AP Biology." Mrs. Finch stated as she walked around the front of the room. "Can somebody tell me what plasmids are?"

"Circular, self-replicating DNA molecules often used in cloning proteins." I said as the teacher nodded. "Nicely stated, Aubrey." She glanced back up at the class as Scott glanced back. I avoided eyecontact as the teacher looked back towards me. "Now, can you tell me what vitamin is absorbed in the stomach via parietal cell production of a glycoprotein?"

"B12." She nodded. "Excellent." She turned her head towards Scott who was still staring back at me. "Mr. McCall, Did you know the answer?" Scott snapped his attention forward. "Um, no."

"It's a common test question." Mrs. Finch stated. "What's your number one college pick?"

"Um-" "Stop saying Um."

"Sorry. UC Davis." Mrs. Finch nodded. "Good choice. It's the best school on the West Coast for biological and physical sciences. You're in the right class if that's what you're hoping for. Who else thinks they're in the right class?"

Theo and I raised our hands as Scott stared back at us, wide-eyed. Guess he didn't expect Theo to be here. "Good. Then you all should be prepared for the test tomorrow." A series of groans erupted into the air.

Hiraeth //S.S.// ➸ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now