I suddenly heard a knock on the door and before I could say anything, my mom entered.

"Sweetie it's me...." She could go crazy on me if she saw that I had a boy in my room. Why did she had to come in without my permission? What was she even doing at home? It suddenly clicked to me that the day was almost gone. "...hey sweetie, how are you?" She moved closer to me "how are you feeling?" She asked with a smile spreading across her face.

I didn't dare to say a word; I just stood still, waiting for her to say something about Kent but she wasn't. She was only checking me out and feeling my temperature. I raised my brow in confusion. Why wasn't she saying anything?

"Are you okay? Did someone upset you on the phone? I heard you shouting at someone before coming in. Was it Kim? Or Emma?" My mom asked.

"I'm fine mom, nothing is wrong" I responded

"Okay...." her gaze shifted to the floor and she saw the sheets that were lying on the floor of my room. "why are these lying on the floor?" She asked.

"Uhm uhmm....." I stuttered as I searched for words to say but couldn't come up with any. I took a glance at Kent or should I say his look alike, he was still in my room, facing the wall and checking out my pictures. I only had old pictures of me up there, they were embarrassing. But the surprising things was that my mom wasn't saying anything about him. It was like she couldn't see him; he was invincible to her.

"let me get them for you" my mom bent down to pick up the papers and placed them back on my table."You should come downstairs, your sister said you haven't been out of your room since you got back from school"

"Yea...i will"

"Okay, I'll go get dinner ready"

"Alright mom, I'll join you soon" I said hastily, trying to cut the conversation short and get my mom out of the room.

"Alright honey" my mom said as she opened the door and walked out of the room

"What just happened?" I asked in utmost shock. There had to be an explanation for that, it was shocking.

"What do you mean?"

"Why isn't my mom saying anything about you?"

"It's because she can't see me" Kent moved closer to me and I took a step back. He sighed. "...You're the only one who can see me?" That must be because he was really in my head.

"What do you mean?" I squinted my eyes, raising an eyebrow as I tried to figure out what Kent was talking about.

"You saw me in the hospital, at the reception..." That's true, I knew I saw him. "...At first I wasn't sure, then I followed you home. You saw me in front of your house and then you passed out...." I was sure I wasn't hallucinating.

"Ah-ah.... I knew it." I punched the air in excitement. "I knew I wasn't seeing things...or am I?" I asked on a second thought. Kent paused and frowned at me. Maybe I wasn't making any sense to him.
"Okay go ahead" I finally said, composing myself.

"I saw you in school, we talked and now we're talking again"

"You're saying that you are Kent but the Kent I know is in the hospital. So you are Kent from another world...or what?" I asked curiously.

"I am Kent and from this world but invisible to everyone except you..." he pointed at me.

"Like a ghost or something?" I asked.

"I guess" he slightly shrugged his shoulder. I couldn't believe it. Were things like this real? A human seeing a ghost? Seeing a ghost of someone who wasn't dead...

"Wow....I really don't get it. Why am I the only one who can see you?" It was necessary that I know. There had to be an explanation for it.

"That is what I really don't know. Are you like a wizard or witch who's suppose to get me off my coma?"

"Uh...that's really funny...." I said with a frown on my face. For a moment, I wasn't sure if I liked the ghost side of Kent.

The door opened again and Max walked in. He had his headphones hung around his neck and his phone in his hands.

"Hey rabbit" Max said

"What do you want, Max?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"I forgot to mention it earlier. It's about your crush, K......" he started to talk but I cut him off immediately.

"What crush?" I would die if he had said his name.

"What do you mean what crush?" Max asked and I quickly rushed to where he was standing and I kicked him on the leg.

"Ouch! What was that for?" He asked as he groaned in pain.

"That's enough, mom needs me downstairs. Let's go" I pushed Max out of the room as I followed behind him, shutting the door behind me but I think I heard the ghost laughing...

The ghost. It suddenly clicked hard to me...

Holy shit! I can actually see a ghost...

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iGHOST YOU (You Series #1) |  COMPLETED  |Undergoing Slow EditingWhere stories live. Discover now