Chapter Ten - Engagement at Nine!

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Dedicates to starrycastiel. Thanks for the lovely comments.

Three weeks later and the boys had fallen into a routine. They switched nights so that they got equal amounts of sleep, and Ellie seemed to be a lot better. Her colick had calmed down a lot.

It was now February 14, and Castiel had big plans for today. He played with the velvety box in his pocket, nerves running through his body.

The restaurant he'd chosen was in Charleston, just 25 miles from Sommerton. The Italian restaurant smelled heavenly already.

Now he was just waiting on Dean, who had had a few errands to run for Jo before he could come to dinner. That left Cas looking out the window at the rain that was steadily falling.

"Are you ready to order, sir," a waitress asked, but Cas waved her off. A nervous feeling at settled in his stomach. Dean was almost twenty minutes late.

Just then, his cell went off, and he scrambled to answer it.


"Cas." It was Jo. She was crying, obviously, and Cas swallowed hard.

"What happened, Jo?"

"Dean...he's been in an accident. A real bad one. Oh, God, it's all my fault, Cas."

Standing up, Cas grabbed his coat, left a twenty on the table, and left, sliding into his Mercedes Benz.

"Where'd they take him?"

"The hospital in Charleston. I'll meet you there."

She hung up the phone, leaving a shaking Cas alone in his car.

The ride to the hospital was quick, and when he arrived at the emergency room, he had forgotten all about the box in his pocket.

He walked up to the nurses station and took a deep breath.

"Hi, um, I'm here for Dean Winchester. I was told he was in a car wreck."

The nurse looked up at him, a sad smile on his face. "Family only, I'm afraid," she said, and Cas wanted to scream in frustration.

"I'm his fiance," he said through gritted teeth.

"Oh. Sorry sir." She stood up and led him to a waiting room. "He's in surgery right now. From what I heard from the cops, your fiance was hit head on by a drunk semi driver. Dean is very lucky to have survived this far."

"What's he in surgery for?" He asked quietly.

"Well, he has a lot of broken bones, but from what I've heard, something internal was damaged in the wreck." The nurse motioned for Cas to sit down. "I'll send the doctor your way when he's done."

Cas sat and waited...and waited...and waited. Jo called, saying they wouldn't let her in because she wasn't family. She'd brought Ellie, who she'd been babysitting for tonight's dinner.

Holding on to Ellie, Cas prayed. He prayed hard and long, rambling on about how he just wanted Dean to be okay.

He didn't know how long he'd sat there, hours probably, when the doctor walked out.

"Castiel Novak? I'm Dr. Anna Milton, Dean's surgeon. I understand your his fiance?

Cas nodded.

"Dean is stable, for now. He sustained a lot of injuries. He's broken both if his legs, one of which we had to put a rod in. He also suffered some damage to his stomach, and had some internal bleeding.

"What we're most concerned about is head trauma. Right now, he's still under, but once he wakes up, well know the extent of how bad his brain injuries are."

Cas rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. This was all his fault, all his fault.

"When can I see him?"

"You can see him right now. Follow me," she said, and Cas followed the red headed doctor.

When Cas saw Dean, he almost fell to his knees. Walking carefully, Cas took a seat next to the bed. He was careful as he grabbed Dean's hand.

"Oh Dean. This is all my fault. I never should have let you drive. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He began to cry, feeling no shame as he did. He loved Dean, and he was going to propose to him tonight.

Dr. Milton walked over to where Cas was.

"We also found this in his pocket," she said,  handing him a small black box, similar to the one in Cas' pocket. 

That had him crying harder. He couldn't help but smile at the thought of both of them trying to propose at the same time.

"You stupid, stupid man," Cas said. "I love you so much." Wiping his cheeks, he leaned down and kissed the hand he held.

"When will he wake up?" He asked.

"A couple hours, I should think," she said. She then left them alone.

Cas fell asleep at some point, little Ellie cradled in his arms. One of the nurses had brought a baby bed down so she could sleep.

A light squeeze to his hand made him wake a few hours later.

"Dean?" He murmured, still sleepy.

"Cas, baby," a rough sounding Dean said. He was awake!

"Dean!" Carefully, Cas got up and kissed Dean softly. "Never do that again."

Dean laughed. "It's not like I tried, darling."

Cas reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring he'd gotten.

"Dean, I know that now's kind of a weird time, but..." Kneeling down the best he could, Cas opened the box.

"Will you marry me, and make me the happiest man on earth?"

Dean was softly crying now.

"Yes. Yes, a thousand times, yes. I love you so much Cas. I wanted to propose first, but that doesn't matter."

Cas slid the ring on. It fit perfectly.

"Let me go get some coffee, and I'll be right back," Cas said. He checked on a still sleeping Ellie.

It didn't take long to get the coffee, and when he came back, Dean was asleep. Cas tried waking him, but nothing happened.


Cas' voice broke.

"Dean, please," he said.

He yelled for help, everything was a blur.

"Castiel, sir, your fiance is in a coma. We're not sure when he'll wake up."

Another chapter. I'm going to cheer camp next week, so I'll probably have a little less time to update.
Please go read my other story, Obvious. I appreciate all comments and votes!

Love you all! Lots of love from your favourite lesbian!! :)

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