Chapter XXXVII

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Hermione's POV:

"You're insane."

"Yes, you mentioned that."

"No, you– you're really insane. The 'they should lock you up in the Janus Thickey Ward'- type insane."

"I don't even know what that is."

"It's a ward for insane people."

"Well yes, that much I gathered."

"Because you're insane."

Hermione massaged her forehead and glared at Draco. "If you don't shut up, I'm going to make you shut up. And it will hurt– a lot." She warned him.

"I'm not surprised," he huffed, "because that's what crazy people do and you're–"

"That's it– bombarda!" Draco screamed like a three-year-old girl as a hole the size of a dinner plate was blown into wall behind him. "Next time it's your head!" she growled, and Draco crossed his arms and nodded grumpily.

"Fine. But can I ask why in Salazar's name you tripped over the Headmaster of our school, who also happens to be the chief of the Wizengamot and Supreme Mugwump of the ICW?"

"No you can't ask, because you've already asked about ten times now, and I've already answered– to help Harry get away before Dumble-dickhead could start trouble with your family; or worse, take Harry away because no one would actually risk stopping him, seeing as he is, like you said, the Headmaster, chief of the Wizengamot and Supreme Mugwump of the ICW."

"Yes, I understood that part fine," Draco said, "I just don't understand why you chose to make such a scene– you stabbed him with a broken wine-glass, for Merlin's sake!"

"I accidentally poked him with it when I was trying to push him off me," Hermione corrected him with a sniff.

"There was actual blood. Mother thought it was yours– she looked like she was about to stab Dumbledore too." Draco said. "And then Blaise's mother came over and basically told you that she was impressed with your performance, and said that you were welcome to write to her for tips. And we both know what Blaise's mother does for a living!"

"Own a successful chain of businesses that spread over both the muggle and magical world?"

"Kill people. She kills people. She kills them and makes it look like an accident, and then she plays the part of the grieving widow so well that even though you know she killed whichever husband she's up to now, because I've honestly lost count, you actually start to doubt that she did it." Draco said, with a slight shudder.

"I like Adrienne." Hermione said truthfully, because she did admire the woman. A black widow who was such a skilled actress that she'd gotten away with murdering six prominent figures, and nobody had been able to prove she'd had any part in their mysterious and tragic demises? That was certainly enough to earn Hermione's respect, but what set Adrienne apart was the even more impressive fact that despite her known track record, the woman still managed to get wealthy and influential men to fall in love and marry her. And that? That was worthy of blatant and shameless admiration.

"You terrify me." Draco told her, and she laughed.

"Hermione," Narcissa entered the small room beside the kitchen where Hermione was... well, not quite hiding, but certainly making herself scarce.

"Er, yes Narcissa?" Hermione asked, feeling a touch guilty. She had just made a gigantic spectacle during the woman's ball, which she knew Narcissa had worked very hard on.

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