Once lunch was over Connor and I throw our trash away and exchange numbers before I walk towards the elevators to resume work. When I got back to Mr. Stone's office I knocked several times waiting for a "come in." Walking in I take a seat in front of him and wait for him to speak.

"I need you to grab your notepad and things, we're heading to another meeting but this one is at a restaurant." He informs me. Nodding I get up and grab my things before following him out the door towards the elevators. Once inside I reached to press the bottom floor but was instead met with a hand that sent sparks up my arm. Jerking it back I make sure to keep my head down so he doesn't see the blush on my face.

Exiting the elevator, we walk out Stone industry and Mr. Stone leads me towards a limo opening the door for me. With a "thank you" I slowly slide into the limo trying to distance myself from Mr. Stone. Closing the door he gives the chauffeur an address and relaxes back into his seat. After a few minutes of the tense silence it's broken by Mr. Stone.

"Would you like a drink Ms. Winters?" He asks bringing a glass of champagne in my direction. Not wanting to be rude, I take the glass with a smile and bring it up to my lips taking a sip. The sweet yet pungent drink fills my taste buds as I swallow it down. Setting the glass down in one of the cup holders I look out the window to see buildings fly past. The limo hits a speed bump causing me to fly onto Mr. Stone's lap. Looking up at him, I'm lost in his gorgeous pools of golden and hazel as I remain in his lap. Staring back at me, I spot a look of confusion and a bit of content cross his face before I try to get out of his lap. Gripping my hips, he keeps me in place leaving a trail of sparks wherever he touched. Our intense moment is cut off with the chauffeur announcing our arrival. Shaking my head with a blush, I grab my things and open the door exiting.

Adjusting my dress, I wait for Mr. Stone to exit the limo leading us inside a very classy and expensive looking restaurant. Gasping I take a moment to look around before I continue to walk alongside Mr. Stone.

"Table for Stone" he tells the lady who pulled down her shirt and batted her eyes in a fail attempt to look sexy. With a smirk Mr. Stone follows the women to our table to find a man already sitting there. Standing up he shakes hands with Mr. Stone and proceeds to look me up and down, a look of approval crossing his face.

"And who's this beautiful lady Ivan? A new girlfriend I assume." He asks Mr. Stone who looks back at me before replying.

"No Jason, she's my new assistant." He replies curtly. Knowing he won't introduce me, I take the chance and do it myself.

"Amelia Winters, it's a pleasure to meet you Jason." I say with a smile to which he smirks

"The pleasure is all mine Amelia" he says taking my hand and pressing a kiss to my knuckles. With a slight blush, I look at Mr. Stone to see him glaring at Jason and I before taking a seat.

"If you're done flirting, I'd like to start this meeting." He says with a cold expression on his face yet again. Sitting down next to him, I take out the notepad ready to take notes if needed.

"So how'd you end up working for Ivan in Stone Industry?" Jason asks with a look of curiosity. Not wanting to be rude I respond

"Well Jason, I recently graduated from Yale university and moved out on my own to pursue a career in the business industry. That's when I found an ad for an opening in Stone Industry and decided it was my chance to show everyone that I wasn't some little girl." I reply looking down at my lap feeling weird that he's showing me so much attention instead of discussing the deal with Mr. Stone. On que Ivan clears his throat snapping Jason out of his daze.

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