After ski party

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Meredith, Lexie and Cristina were getting ready to their first after ski party. Cristina said: I am so happy that I'm with Owen here. He saved my trip, I love him. Mer and Lex just looked to Cristina and desided to go to conversation about boys. "I have a crush on Mark. Big. Very big," Lexie blushed. "Sure he's gonna notice you in this trip. Did you saw he in cafeteria when we were travelling?? He's totally sure into you too," Cristina says. "Hah, I'm not sure at all..."Lexie answers. "You will see tonight. Go to talk him and dance with him. I'm sure that you are not the person who sleeps in my room tonight..."Mer laughs. "Mer you are terrible, I'm totally gonna sleep in OUR room" Lexie laughs. Mer continues:"You know, there's weird thing I have been thinking lately. Derek...He is so nice to me, like he has always been but now he's some how different way..." "Look, you are gonna see it tonight. If he is with you tonight, I'm pretty sure he's into you. Because you know Derek, when we go to after ski parties, he's always with someone who he happend to find. Tonight we will see." Cristina says.

Later at party

Lexie looked around. Where in a world was Mark. She saw Mer talking to Derek and Cristina dancing with Owen. Then her world was broken. She saw Mark. He was so handsome as always. But. He was with another girl. Lexie felt hot tears coming up. Mark seem to see Lexie but he didn't even noded. He acted like he hasn't ever see Lexie. Lexie was so broken. She went to Mer and Derek and said:"I'm gonna go to home now, I feel really tired" and tried not to cry. "Omn, Okay Lex"Meredith said little bit worried. When Lexie walked trough to outside she was already crying. She run to their house and locked herself to her and Merediths room and let everything emotional come. She hated her life and wanted go to back USA. Luckily parents who has been sitting on livingroom didn't notice she. She had to fall asleep because she woke up when Meredith and Derek became to room gigling and taking clothes off. Lexie didn't know how to be. What she could do, because these two were obviosly gonna have sex and she bet that she wasn't necessary in there. So she decided to go kitchen and eat little nightsnack. But first she would have to wash blurred make up away. Then she went to kitchen.

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