Chapter 10 Nathan and Isla

Start from the beginning

"Ew stoooop," I whine and stomp to be petty. Down the road Jacob is being just as petty and scowling fiercely.

Finally Edward pulls away leaving Bella dazed and me more than annoyed.

"Well you could rush just a little," Bella says and he grins. She pats his arm in a reassuring manner then takes my hand to cross into wolf territory.

When we reach Jacob
he smiles broadly and pulls us into a bear hug.

"Hey, beautiful's," Jacob greets making butterflies erupt in my stomach. A loud screech makes me turn back to see Edward speeding away.

Jacob rolls his eyes and opens the car doors. Bella hops in the front and I crawl in the back as he takes the drivers seat.

"What do you wanna do today? Bike, hike, hang? It's your call but tonight we're going to a very chill party," Jacob remarks and I lean forward to supply my idea.

"My idea involves food so I'm gonna need you to drive to the nearest grocery store." Jacob looks to Bella who nods for him to comply and then starts his car.

I lean back and carefully craft my plan from the backseat.


"You know you didn't need to come in with us Jake," I say as we browse the aisles of the rez grocery store.

"I'm your protector so yeah I did have to come," Jacob replies and I roll my eyes.

First I grab two liters of Coke which I make Jacob carry then I head to the snack aisle for my next ingredients.

"Come on Nathan there's nothing wrong with taking a gap year," a girl, on the far side of the snack aisle, says to the taller boy next to her. "Besides its not even a gap year if you're taking course at the community college so just calm down."

"Isla you don't get it you have everything planned out," the boy whines and the girl huffs.

I barely pay attention to them only catching pits of their conversation as I search for my target.

"Oh please Nathan-ah!" We run into each other and bang heads.

"Ow," I say and rub my head.

"I am so sorry I wasn't paying attention!" she gushes and I smile. She has brown hair and hazel eyes while her friend, Nathan, has brown hair and blue eyes.

"I wasn't paying attention either so I'm sorry too," I admit sheepishly. "It's probably more my fault because my sister and I are the queens of klutziness."

"Really well I'm the queen of the neighboring kingdom of airhead," she counters and holds out her hand. "Hi I'm queen Isla."

"Queen Reyna," I reply and daintily shake her hand. "It's a royal pleasure." Unable to hold it in any longer we both start chuckling and shaking or heads.

"Same to you," she returns then gestures to her friend. "This is my king Nathan."

"Reyna do you want some Doritos?" Bella calls from the next aisle over. With a wicked grin on my face I cup my hands over my mouth and reply.


Bella doesn't respond but it sends Isla and Nathan into fits of laughter.

"You're amazing," Isla chokes out between chuckles.

"I know I know," I say and mock bow.

"Reyna are you almost done?" Jacob asks as he strolls towards me carrying the liters of Coke.

"Give me a minute I need to grab two more things," I answer.

"Let me guess mentos," Isla concludes and I gasp.

"You read my mind, I need mentos and popcorn."

"Interesting afternoon you're going to have," Nathan muses.

"Yes it is so I must be going, but I hope to see you around," I remark and give a fancy princess wave. "If we don't bump into each other again just ask literally anyone in Forks about the Chiefs daughters." With that said I strut away, confidence boosted.


"Why are you setting bags of popcorn on fire?" Bella lamely asks as I strike a match and throw it onto the bags.

"I want to see what will happen," I reply.

"They will be on fire," Jacob states and crosses his arms. They both look rather bored and underwhelmed.

"Oh come on guys I'm trying to have a little fun," I sigh and pop open one of the liters of Coke.

"I thought you had a better plan," Bella says. "Is this your way of keeping me off the motorcycle?"

"Bingo! 500 points for Hufflepuff!" I exclaim and take a swig of the Coke after popping a mento in my mouth. The result of y experiment is a fizzy explosion in my mouth that nearly forces me to spit all the Coke out.

"Oh my gosh you're so embarrassing," Bella grumbles.

Minutes later the bags of popcorn start popping and exploding in every direction.

"So that's what happens."

A/N: Yay for Jelsa4Eternity  and SayHeyo whose characters showed up in the store!

So because of the huge amount of new characters you guys will have to be forgiving if I mess up your characters or mix up the details or just entirely forget your character existed. All the new characters are a huge challenge so patience is required from me and you guys.

Thank you so much for reading! I love you all!

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