Chapter One

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I have just graduated from high school.. Finally! I am free! My parents encourage me to go to university but I'm really not up with it! All my friends are going to Uni but as I said, I'm not up with it! My parent has said that if I'm not going to uni, I can't live in the house anymore, well that fucking sucks! I went to check on my phone if I had any other friends that weren't busy cuz most of them are but I had found my friend Ash on my phone and started to text her by saying:
Cassie: Hey Ash!
Ash is typing...
Ash: Hey! Haven't talked in awhile now! How you doing?! Xx
Cassie: I'm doing fine I guess... You? Xx
Ash: I'm doing fine aswell! What's the matter?
Cassie: Well.. Most of my friends have gone to uni..
Ash: Really!? I'm thinking about going to uni, it just depends.
Cassie: Well I'm not going to uni! My parent are fucking kicking me out of the house.. Well really they said I can't live in the house anymore if I don't go to uni.
Ash: I'm sorry! Well I GTG! I'll talk later! Cya Cas!Xx
Cassie: Ok..! Cya Ash xx

Anyways I had to get off my phone cuz my parents wanted to talk to me about not going to uni and that shit! My Mum said "Cassie honey, you gonna have to move out if your not going to university! You can't just live here for the rest of your life, your gonna have to be on your own!" And then I just yelled at them with "What the fuck?! No! I'm not living on my own! I could of if DAD didn't harass my boyfriend four weeks ago!" Then my Dad obviously comes in cuz I said his name and he shouts at me with "Watch your language!! I didn't harass Jack, I told him not to hurt you!" Wow! My dad really has a excuse of harassing him! He is such a bullshiter! I do not know why I said bullshiter, I'm so fucking dumb as shit! Then I just walk away and actually start packing cuz I was so done with my Parents!

I gathered my clothes, makeup, perfumes and ect girl things and put it in bags. I carried all of them into my shitty car my parents got me. When I got the last bag I shouted out to my parents "SEE YA NEVER!" I do not know why I just said that! I'm such a dumbass! Anyway I started the car and drove off! I needed to go to the bank and get the rest of my money I had. I went to the bank and got the rest of my money and went off somewhere. I tried to ring one of my friends but obviously didn't pick up. It felt like I was driving in circles trying to find where I'm gonna stay. Then I stopped to get some lunch cuz I was so hungry my guts was telling me to go eat! I stopped at Macs to get some lunch. Didn't even care about it I just wanted to eat! I ordered a burger, fries and a coke! Once I was done, I got a message from my mum saying:
Mum: Cassie! I forgot to tell you where you were gonna stay! I've booked a apartment for you in Port Elliot for 5weeks!
Cassie:Thanks Mum! Love you lots! Xx
Mum: You are always welcomed! Stay safe on the roads! Xx
Cassie: I will! Xx

Thank god my mum did that or I'd be sleeping on the curve! Mum was such a lovely person doing that! Now I know where I'm going I have to stop at the petrol station and get more petrol! When I was done I had to pay a lot! I put sooo much in but you know, I had to! I was going a long way where I am now! I drove off and went to Port Elliot! The whole time, I was just listening to music while driving of course! My Twitter had started to blowing up for some reason on my phone? I tried to look at it but I couldn't cuz I was driving on the road so I just left it till I had stopped. When I just had entered Port Elliot, it was so beautiful and warm! Like not even kidding! This weather was so much better than at home! It had blue skies, few clouds, sunny was very bright and it was soooo warm and nice! That's why everyone is always talking about how much this place is so amazing! Anyway enough with the weather talking and get to my apartment!

I had parked my car near the apartment building and went inside. I went to the desk to get my key from the woman and go to my apartment. I was on floor 8 and my door was 0296. I looked around the floor to look for it and yes! I have found my door! I open the door and WOW! It is so nice and beautiful inside! It had a big kitchen and living room! A enough amount of space to have a bathroom and a very nice room for me! The balcony was perfect! It wasn't big but I didn't care! Once I checked the place out I went back to my car and got my bags into the room that roughly took about 10minutes just to get ALOT of bags out of the car and into the apartment. I knew my mum would pick a perfect apartment!

After about 5minutes of relaxing, I start to unpack my things and put them in there places, when it was all done I had to go buy some toilet paper, food but I really couldn't be bothered from that hard freaken work and there was only one toilet paper so I could live for that just for the rest of the day, can't I? I had message Mum about the apartment and being their already and it went like this:
Cassie: Hey Mum! I've got here to the apartment already and it looks so amazing and nice! Thankyou soo much I don't know what to do without you! Xxx
Mum is typing...
Mum: Hello darling! I'm glad you like the place! Xx you are welcome!!
Mum: I hope you have a good time! Xxx I'll talk to you later! I'm going out shopping! Xx
Cassie: Seeya! Xx

It started getting late and I started getting hungry so I just ordered a Pepperoni Pizza, HEY! Who wouldn't? When I hit the order button on my phone, while I was waiting for the pizza, I had been invited to a group chat by Ash with Me, Ash, Kaycie, Bethi, Jake, Jack, Hollie, Finn and Angus.
Cassie: Hey! Xx
Hollie: Hey
Jack: Helooo
Finn: Hi
Bethi: Wassap Bitches!
Bethi: Jks
Ash: wtf..XD Hey guys!
Angus: What we guys up to?!
Hollie: Not much, laying in bed as usual.
Finn: SAME! XD
Cassie: Just sitting in my new apartment! -_-
Bethi: Really!?
Ash: Really? You got a new apartment!
Finn: Good job mate!
Angus: Finally moved out in your parents house.. Took you awhile ^*^
Cassie: Shut the fuck up Angus!
Bethi: It's taking you awhile to zip your fuckin lips up Angus!
Angus: Ok Ok... I will zip my lips up...
Kaycie: Hello! :)
Finn: Hello sexy
Kaycie: Hello handsome! Xx
Ash: Exactly!
Kaycie left the chatroom...
Finn left the chatroom...
Cassie: Gtg guys! Talk to you guys tomorrow! Love you all! Xx
Ash: Cya xx!
Finn: Byee
Angus: Seeya
Bethi: Byee babe!
Hollie: cya casi xx
Jack: bye!

The pizza is now here! Finally! I'm starving! I got my plate ready, my blanket, pillows and my television controls to watch some movies! When I got the pizza I quickly ran to the couch and put on some movies and grabbed a slice of pizza and ate it. It tasted sooo delicious! I haven't taste pizza for awhile now! I had now watch 3 movies straight, I got so tired that I went to sleep just like a mouse, wait shitttt...


I know this was such a long chapter but I couldn't stop! I had so much to put in! Next chapter I won't make it as long like this one. It will be long but not very very long! Thankyou for reading this chapter and have a good day! Xx

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