I - Tricky Mists

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A/N: Well... I hope someone is actually reading this dam fanfic. These author's notes makes me feel special... so yeah. Let's get reading?


Piper has taught of something she wasn't expecting would happen. She kept thinking of the trick of the mist Hera had told her. At first, she thought this was all a dream---a nightmare---that she would soon wake up of, except that it wasn't a dream at all, of course. It is reality.

"Jason," Piper said. "Do you remember me?" She asked, hoping for Jason to remember.

Jason shook his head and knit his brows. "I'm sorry," he said. "I really can't. In fact, I do not remember anything at all."

"Not even that time when we-" Piper hesitated but just shook that thought off her mind.

She already knew Hera really has wiped out all of his memories. She cursed in French. Speaking French was one of the gifts Aphrodite has given to her children, because, according to Boreas, the lord of the north wind, said it was the language of love. She never knew she could speak French until they came to Quebec.

"And..." Leo said. "Dinner's done, Jason and Piper! Leo the greatest has just prepared special tofu burgers especially for you two! Yay!"

Piper stood up but Jason grabbed her arm.

"I-" Jason said. "I-I'm sorry, Piper." He said, already walking to Leo's direction.

Piper froze for a moment, like there were millions of questions flooding her mind. She didn't even know Jason's last name. Unfortunately, Jason being his amnesiac self and all didn't know, either.

•Time skip to Porphyrion's rising•

"The forge and the dove shall break the cage," Leo said, reciting the line of the prophecy. "Piper, charmspeak the cage? Talk to Gaea, maybe? Ugh, this is so frustrating!"

"Leo, HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!?" Piper said.  "I can't talk to a cage nor Gaea!"

"Ugh, just do it before we..." he said. "before we... we... d-die."

"Fine." Piper said. "Hey... er... cage? Ugh. HI CAGE! Fine day today, huh? Let's do some stretching and loosen up a bit, shall we?" Piper noticed the soil slowly consuming Hera inside then talked to Gaea. "Oh, hey there, Gaea! It's so sunny today and the breeze feels warm, perfect day to take a nap! Boy, I sure am tired!" Piper said it so confidently and so full of power the monsters nearby started falling asleep. Jason and Leo started yawning too but tried to concentrate on their job.

Porphyrion yawned too but if she couldn't charmspeak a god, what more to a giant born to destroy the gods themselves? She thought.

"Finally!" Leo said in triumph.

Hera took off her black veil and revealed a goddess in white tunic and precious jewelries.

Hera smiled dryly. "Thank you, Leo." she said. "You did well. I knew IT couldn not doubt you." Hera locked her eyes with Piper and said, "As for you, child of Aphrodite," She said. "You've done well. Not too bad for a child of... Aphrodite." Hera said Aphrodite's name in distaste.

"Well," Piper said. "Thanks, I guess."

•Time skip to solstice•

Piper couldn't help thinking of Leo while he was freeing Hera.

Oh, the way his eyes glowed with  determination, his curly black hair... ugh. Too much cuteness! Piper thought.

Just as Clarisse La Rue Started talking... "SHUT UP!!!" Piper said to herself.

"EXCUSE ME!?" Clarisse said, full of shock, anger and stood up.

Piper didn't realize she said that part out loud. "OH GODS, CLARISSE- I- I WAS IN DEEP THOUGHT AND THEN- UGH." Piper said nervously. "I am truly, deeply sorry, Clarisse. I meant to say that to myself and hadn't realize that I said it out loud... I'm sorry." Piper said as she sat down, full of embarassment.

"Hm..." Clarisse said as if making a decision to kill or not to kill Piper. "Okay then. Ok, as I was saying..."

Piper fell into deep thought and looked at Jason then at Leo. She though about Leo's jokes then Jason's warm hugs. It was all too much for Piper to handle. Her best friend who never forgotten her and was always there for her? Or her so-called "boyfriend" who appears to be just a trick of The Mist?


A/N: TEAM LIPER OR TEAM JASPER? *Janus voice* Hmm.. decisions, decisions.

Thanks for reading? Pfft, yeah. As if people arreading at all. But, enjoy writing this fanfic because... UGH THE FEELS. Ok, bye

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