Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Before they knew it they were back home. Being careful no one saw them as they sneaked back into the school. Going past the Grandfather clock in the entrance, Venus read the time to be 1:37 in the morning. Creeping back into the mainroom, Vlad placed her on the black sofa. Venus smiled in relief as sank into the soft chair, until she knocked her ankle on the side and hissed in pain. 

“Oh, let me just get something for your ankle. Renfield!” He shouted. Soon after a disgusting looking breather walked in looking bored stiff. Venus could just make out that he was wearing a dirty unruly butler uniform and bits of food on his face. “You called master Vlad.” He said lazily. “Yes, erm, could please get something for Venus here. She has injured her ankle.” Vlad said.

“Will Master approve of you bringing strangers into the house, sir?” Renfield inquired. “Just bring something Renfield and she’s not a stranger. She’s the Godric’s daughter.” Vlad said getting slightly irritated.

“Oh, well, I’ll be right back.” He said as he scuttled off.

“Sorry about him. He’s a bit too loyal to my Dad. More like a pet dog really.” He explained. Venus giggled slightly.

“It’s okay. I don’t really know how someone can be so disgusting really.”

“Don’t tell him you said that. He’ll take it as a compliment.” Venus giggled again. Vlad liked the sound of her laugh, it reminded him of the old times back in Stokely. Plus she probably hasn’t laughed in days since the unfortunate turn of events.

“I’m back with the medicine, sir.” Renfield said as he stepped into the room carrying a test tube containing a green liquid. “This should take the pain away from your guest, sir.” He said handing Venus the tube. Before Venus could put the liquid anywhere near her mouth, Vlad quickly stopped her by placing his hand over hers. A strange tingling feeling ran through their bodies but they both quickly tried to ignore it.

“Are you sure, Renfield? No silly tricks like you did last time to Ingrid?” Vlad asked on the edge. “No, I promise sir. No silly tricks this time.”

Vlad warily let go of her hand, allowing Venus to drink the strange concoction. Venus flinched as the weird flavours ran down her throat. The flavours of bat sick, spiders webs, cockroach, fish eyeballs and bananas. Suddenly she felt most of the pain slowly leave her body making her feeling refreshed and a bit sleepy. She sighed in relief.

“Thank you Renfield. You may go and prepare a room for Venus.”

Renfield tottered off and left the room, leaving the two teenage vampires in an awkward silence. “Come on, I help you to your room.” Vlad offering his hand. Gripping his hand she pulled herself up off the sofa. Vlad put his arm around her shoulders and she put her arm under his arm. Venus limped to her room, Vlad pushed the door open revealing a grotty room, with a coffin in the middle. A mirror and a trunk, to put stuff in, in the corner of the room and a plain chair in the other corner.

“I know it’s not much but we can decorate it tomorrow if you want.” he said trying to cheer her up. 

Venus limped to the chair and sat down. The reality of everything crashed down on her as a silent tear dripped down her cheek. Her family where dead, she only had Bertrand left. And he wasn’t the best company. She was all alone. A orphaned vampire at the age of 16. Her dropped forward, her hair hid her face. As she shakily tried to wipe the tears away, Vlad noticed the tears dripping onto the floor. He quickly knelt down beside her and placed a comforting hand on her small shaking shoulder.

“Everything will be ok, Venus.” Vlad said.

“How can everything be ok, Vlad? I’m a orphan, all on my own and I haven’t got my full powers yet. Please enlighten me, how can everything be ok?” Venus said desperately as she looked up into Vlad’s grey eyes.

“Your not alone. You have me and Bertrand.”

“You’re a stranger, Vlad. I don’t even know you. And you of all people should know the Bertrand isn’t the best company.”

“Well, then you can get to know me. You can live here with Bertrand. We’ll help you cope and learn to use your new powers. Everything will turn out ok. It may look bad now, but things will look up.” Vlad said comfortingly. Venus looked up at Vlad surprised.

“Your very kind and thoughtful for a vampire,” she said, “considering you’re the chosen one and meant to be really evil and powerful.”

“I was once, because let me reflection take control, but I fought against it and got back to normal. I’ve always wanted to normal, I never wanted to be a vampire. I can’t even remember the amount of times I tried to find away to stop the transformation. But I always failed. I hate being the chosen one. It’s not me, I’m not going to lead an army of vampire to glory. How can I, I’m a lame 16 year old, who even refuses to drink blood. Plus I don’t want to. But life isn’t that simple.” Vlad said, hanging his head slightly. He looked up to see her reaction and they both just smiled sadly at each other.

“I’ll leave you for the night. You must be tired. My room is across the hall if you need me.” Vlad said standing back up and walking to the door.

“Vlad,” Venus called, he turned round, “Thank you.” He nodded his head in reply before walking out the door.

Vlad left Venus peace as he entered his room. His mind slowly drifted to Erin as he realised he had given Venus, Erin’s room. He switched thoughts to Venus and how she didn’t think he was weird for not drinking blood or wanting to lead an army of vampires. Maybe she was like him, maybe she just wanted to be normal.



So what do you think? And its the YD season 3 Finale tomorrow :(

But I heard there will be a season 4, they start filming in April 2012 and it airs October 2012.

So we have to wait another year to see what happens!

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from LJ x

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