First Encounter

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Hello everyone! I am so glad that all of you are enjoy this story. Please enjoy the next part. 

Thirty minutes later Zeb shuddered as he got ready to board the train.

"Relax will ya," Kanan chuckled readjusting his grip on the child in his arms.

"Sorry don't like trains is all," the man commented

Ezra sighed as he listened to the conversation. He looked over Kanan's shoulder and spotted a young girl a couple of years older than him staring back.

"Papa," he whispered.

"What is it?" Kanan asked looking down.

The boy looked back over his shoulder and Zeb followed his lead.

"Well, seems like Ezra found the young mother and her daughter," he chuckled.

The group walked over to introduce themselves.

"Marshall Orrelious," the woman greeted.

"Hera Syndulla, I would like to introduce my best friend and my stand in, Kanan Jarrus and his son, Ezra," Zeb introduced.

"Ma'am," Kanan greeted with a tip of the hat.

"Hi," Ezra smiled.

"Charmed, this is my daughter Sabine," Hera said placing a hand on the girls head. "Wait, stand in, Marshal, are you leaving?"

"Unfortunately yes, I have important business to attend to but Kanan is fully capable of handling any conflict that comes," Zeb said reassuringly.

Hera stared critically at the father and son and seemed impressed.

"I'm sure he will," she said as the train whistle blew.

"Uh Zeb, that's your cue Buddy," Kanan chuckled.

The man blanched.

"Zeb you're not scared are you?" Ezra asked innocently.

Zeb looked at Kanan who silently asked the same question.

"No, I'm Marshal Garazeb Orrelious and I am not scared of a little train," he said marching over to the locomotive.

"Sure," Kanan chuckled.

"He seems completely fine," Hera said watching.

"Just watch," Kanan grinned glancing back.

"3...2...1...," Ezra counted off.

Then they heard,

"I hate trains."

Kanan and Ezra laughed as the poor man boarded the train and waved as it left.

"Why would you laugh if he is your best friend?" Sabine asked.

"Because Zeb is funny," Ezra giggled.

"Yeah but we shouldn't laugh at his fear, should we Son?" Kanan asked rubbing his back.

Ezra raised Kanan's signature eyebrow at him before burying his face into his shoulder hoping to contain his giggles. Kanan shook his head before turning back to the woman.

"We're heading back to the office if you two would like to join us," he offered.

"Thank you, I would like to discuss a few things if possible," Hera said taking her daughter's hand.

"Right this way."

Kanan sat Ezra on his feet as they entered the Marshal's office.

"Marshall Jarrus."

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