Getting Started

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The next morning Kanan shook his son's shoulder gently to wake him. Ezra yawned as he stretched.

"Morning Papa," he blinked sleepily at him.

"Good morning, you need to get up and get dressed. We need to hurry and get to town before that storm hits," Kanan said a hint of worry in his tone.

Ezra sat up and tried to see out the window but Kanan had pulled off his night shirt.

"Come on Ezra," Kanan said turning to grab a shirt and pants.

"Papa, why are you so worked up over a storm? We've been caught in them before," Ezra said slipping his pants on.

"Yes, I know but I have a bad feeling about this one. Something's not right," Kanan said handing the boy his shirt.

"What do you mean?" Ezra asked fumbling with a button.

"I'm not entirely sure myself, but trust me little one, this is one storm that no one will ever forget," Kanan said nodding his approval and going back into the kitchen.

Ezra pulled on his boots and joined his father.

Twenty minutes later a large clap of thunder sounded causing Ezra to jump.

"Easy Kid," Kanan said getting up and looking out the window.

He could see black clouds getting closer.

"Well Son, looks like we are going to get wet. That storm is brewing faster than I thought."

Ezra finished eating and stood up when another clap of thunder sounded. He yelped and ran to Kanan who knelt down and caught him holding tight.

"'s alright, Papa's here, papa's got you," Kanan said rubbing the little boy's back.

"I don't like thunder," Ezra mumbled into his shirt.

"Sh...., I know," Kanan soothed as he picked him up and carried him to the table.

"Now, how about you and me wash these dishes up and then get out of here?"

Together the two finished up the house chores. Kanan looked out the window again to see the clouds even darker. Grabbing a bag of their clothes, he walked back into the living room to see Ezra curled up in his chair.

"Ready to go?"

Ezra looked up and then toward the window.

"I guess," his voice was shaking.

Kanan took his hand and led him out of the house securing the door. The wind had picked up, and it made Kanan uneasy. He knew the signs of a storm and this clearly was going to be a bad one. Quickly he ushered Ezra into the barn and the child whimpered.

"Easy Son, Phantom can sense your fear," Kanan told him pointing.

Ezra looked over at the smaller smoke grey pony fidgeting in his stall. While Kanan saddled up Depa, Ezra walked over to Phantom.

"Don't worry Phantom, Papa always protects me and he says that you, Lightning and Force will be safe in the barn," he said reaching up and rubbing the horse's soft nose.

Kanan grinned, Ezra never ceased to amaze him. He may be five, but sometimes he could act wise beyond his years and then remind Kanan that he was still a young child. A child that Kanan would protect no matter how old he got.

"Let's go Ezra," he said as he finished putting everything into the saddle bags and picked the boy up.

"They will be safe, won't they Papa?"

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