She felt more arms envelope her in a hug.

"We're happy too..." Alec spoke. "My sister and I have always been the outcasts amongst the castle due to our powers, but-"

"Now that we have a woman who treats us like we are someone-" Jane added.

"A woman who has the biggest heart-" Felix joined in.

"We would all be able to die tomorrow and not have any spite." Demetri finished.

"I have known you all for only a few hours, but it seems like I have known you all my life. Jane, Alec, you will never have to feel isolated again. If you do, come to me, and do not fret about calling me 'mother' or 'ma'am' I am who you want me to be and if that is your mother, then so be it." She kissed both of the children, who have yet to let go, on their heads, hoping that she didn't just kiss one chile twice. "Demetri and Felix... you are now by brothers, there is no going back on that." They both chuckled. "If you want you can just call me Candace. Okay?"

They all nodded but then realized their mistake.

"Yes, mi-" Felix cleared his throat. "Yes, Candace..."

"Good, now that we have all that out of the way, I want to hear some of your stories."

"Oh I have a good one." Demetri said while smirking.

Felix knew where this was going and before he could stop him, Alec paralyzed his body. The young brunette male smiling as the brute glared.

Marcus, Caius and Aro all stood outside the door of the library, hearing the exchange with smiles on their faces.

"She will make a marvelous queen." Aro stated.

"A woman who has gone through so much in her life, manages to smile and make those smile around her." Marcus smiled. "One would think she would be filled with hatred, considering." He took an unneeded deep breath. "Our mate is remarkable."

"She is." Caius chuckled. "It would seem she will not allow me to reprimand our guards for not addressing her as their Queen."

"Not if you want her to be upset with you."

"I have sent Sexton and Daren to the hotel to retrieve her bags." Aro said as he listened to Felix chase Demetri around the library and his mate laugh. "In the morning we will talk to her more about what is to happen in the future concerning Ashton, her grandmother, and them..." He hissed the last part.

Marcus laid his a hand on each of his brothers shoulders. "Abbiamo aspettato tremila anni per lei. Se consentito, possiamo aspettare ancora un po'."(We have waited three thousand years for her. If permitted, we can wait a little longer.)

The other two kings nodded before chuckling once more as their mate spoke up, innocently.

"How did you not know 'she' was a 'he'?"

Felix never wanted to behead Demetri as bad as he did in that very moment. Just as he was about to the kings made their presence known and they froze.


Aro put his hand up, silencing the vampire. "Do not fret, dear Felix." He smiled. "My dear, I presume you were having a swell time?"

She giggled. "Demetri was just telling me about the time he found a 'woman' to play with then after the deed found out 'she' was a man."

"I cannot help but wonder the same." Marcus looked at Felix, who, if human, would be as red as a tomato right now. "While having relations with this 'woman' wouldn't you find 'she' had an extra part?"

"It wasn't like that..." He grumbled. "She was a woman, just born a man and that wasn't what I freaked out about."

"Then what, pray tell, did you 'freak out' about? Hmm?" Caius cocked her head to the side.

"She wanted to... 'dominate me'." He vaguely stated.

"And that is a bad thing?" Aro asked.

"He means she wanted to wear a strap on and do him up the ass." Demetri snickered and Felix really wanted to kill him.

It took the kings a second to realize what Demetri had just said so casually before covering up their laughter with a throat clear.

"Well... that is... something I never wish to hear of again." Aro shook his head.

Felix glared at the Greek and if looks could kill Demetri would have burst into flames a long time ago.

"Are you alright now?" Candace asked, after getting over her laughter herself.

"We are, my love. We are sorry about that."

"It's alright. We all had a discussion ourselves, right?" She smiled.

Alec and Jane smiled at the woman, their mother as of that day. Marcus, Caius and Aro looked at the exchange and smiled themselves, even Caius who people had dubbed the 'sadistic' of the three. The Volturi kings were not as others perceived them. They just let the rumors slide as to keep them in line with their fears of being destroyed. Now that she was there, their undead hearts reawoke, well, happiness now fills in the deep void within their black souls that was once filled with hatred and sorrow. Times were changing, and everyone hoped it was for the better.

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