What do I do?

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Adrien Agreste.

He was almost any girls dream.

He was your dream.

He was your nightmare.

You see, you and Adrien were once the schools power couple.

He was a model, while you were the highest grades student.

Things seemed good for a while until he broke up with you for some apparent reason.

You were left devastated questioning yourself.

"What did I do wrong? Was I not good enough?" You wondered.

A few weeks later he was with Marinette.

You hated her ever since grade school, when you first mentioned your crush on Adrien. She took it upon herself to become your rival swearing one day she will be with Adrien.

And sadly, she did.

Tragedy struck you as you realize your period had not come in those same weeks.

You felt noxious and you noticed the weight beginning to pile on.

You couldn't honestly be pregnant could you?



You were careful with Adrien. You both used protection.

To be safe, you had gotten yourself a pregnancy test.

You awaited the results as you paced back and forth in your bedroom and frantically checked the test.

After minutes, your heart dropped and you felt as though you couldn't breath.


Your gut felt as though it was going to come out of your mouth and you fell to your knees.

This can't be.

This couldn't be.

You were only 15 for Christ sakes.

You scrambled for your phone and unlocked it.

You dialed Adrien's number and it rung.


You couldn't tell him.

He can't love you.

He has Marinette.

Before you had the chance to hang up, he had answered.

"Hello?" The voice called out and you began to shake in fear.

"A-Adrien?"You felt tears prick your eyes.

You could instantly hear the worry in his voice.

" Y/N? What's wrong? What happened?!" He asked.

You instantly hung up.

You couldn't tell him.

He would be angry.

About ten minutes later of crying, you heard a knock on your balcony door.

You turned your head and saw the one and only-

"Chat Noir?" You asked confused.

He gave you his signature smirk, but it seemed strained.You quickly opened the door and he walked out of the darkness.

"What are y-you doing here?" You asked rubbing the tears out of your eyes.

" I heard crying, so I decided why should a pretty girl like you would be crying?" He said slyly.

You gave a fake smile and spoke.

" I... I did something stupid."

" You couldn't have, you're too smart." He told you and you gave him a confused look.

How did he-

" I mean you won the national spelling bee." He quickly redeemed himself.

"Well, even the smartest people do stupid stuff." You sighed.

"Mind telling me what you did?" He asked and you gave him a worried look.

Should you?

I mean, it would be nice to tell someone.

You took in a deep breath.

" I'm pregnant by my ex boyfriend. I don't know what to do, he has a girlfriend and I don't want to ruin their relationship and I'm just scared." You broke down after letting out your confession.

Chat didn't say anything.

Adrien didn't say anything.

His ex girlfriend is pregnant and she's in pain.

What does he do?

"What do I do?" He thought.

Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now