♢Dangerous 2♢

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Y/N swiped the miraculous' away from the two superheroes and a flash of light blinded her.

As the light faded, she looked down to see...

" Adrien...?Marinette...?" She whispered in shock.

They both looked up at her not saying a single word.

"It's been the both of you the whole time..!?" Y/N voiced raised in disbelief.

She raised her hammer to smash the two, but when she looked into Adrien's eyes all she could see was fear.

Her angered look demolished into a pained look.Her body began to wrack in sobs and slowly lowered her hammer.

She didn't want to scare Adrien.
She didn't want to hurt Adrien.
She didn't want Adrien to see her like this.

The way he looked at her made her feel like a monster.

She threw their miraculous' to the ground and collapsed to her knees.

"REBEL! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"Hawkmoth hollered in her head.

"I-I can't go on like this... Please destroy the monster I am..." She whispered.

She freed them from her trap and Marinette quickly scrambled for her Miraculous and quickly transformed.

Adrien just stared at her miserable state.

He caused her so much pain, yet he couldn't bring himself to return her feelings.

"Your times up, Rebel!" Ladybug hollered before snatching the girls glasses and snapping them in two.

The akuma flew out and was captured by Ladybug.

Y/N's body collapsed and Adrien walked towards her.

He knelt down and slowly caressed her face before murmuring.

"Looks like I'm the dangerous one for you,Y/N."

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