Chapter Four: Thanks But No Thanks!

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"You know I've never loved anyone but you."

I blushed. "Liam do you really mean that?"

He looked shocked. Stepping forward, he took me by my shoulders and said; "Of course I mean it. How could you ever doubt something like that? You mean the world to me!"

I smiled up at him. "I love you too, Liam."

He grinned. He cupped my face with his hands and bent down. He was just about to kiss me when---

"Kyla?!" Someone screamed.

"No!" I shouted, but someone marched into my room, turned on the light and opened the blinds.

"Seriously Kyla? It's after 9:00. Get up already!"

I turned and glared at my little sister. Renee was two years younger than me and the bane of my existence. It seemed that she had absolutely nothing better to do than steal my clothes, eat my food, butt in on my private conversations and ruin my perfect dreams.

"You just messed up my dream! How could you do that to me? It was the best dream ever!"

She rolled her eyes. "What, again?! who was it this time?" She flopped onto the bed and sighed.

"Liam Hemsworth, you idiot!" I growled. "Don't you have any respect for my relationships?"

"Ugh, the last time I interrupted your 'perfect dream', it was Taylor Lautner. It's like you can't even make up your own mind! And as for respecting your relationships, I would if you got a real boyfriend and stopped drooling over movie stars who don't even know you exist. It can't be that hard to get yourself a boyfriend!"

Oh, I really hated that conversation, but that's what I got for having a younger sister who was the most popular kid in middle school and who got a new boyfriend every six months.

"I could set you up, you know." She bit her lip and stared fixedly at the ceiling, obviously trying to think of a guy who would be 'desprate enough' to want to date me. To Renee, I was so out of it.

"No, Renee." I said firmly. "The last thing I want is you trying to set me up. I have enough to worry about without you fixing me up for some blind date with a middle school nerd!"

"Fine. If that's the way you feel about it." I did not like the way she said that. It was like a doctor had just diagnosed me with an incurable brain tumor and had given me thirty days to live along with a pitying look. Oh no, not that! I hated the pitying look!

"So," I said hastily trying to change the subject. "'s everything working out with Gabe?"

"It's not." She answered flatly.

"Say what?"

"It didn't work out. We broke up yesterday."

"Oh, um, ok." I really didn't know what to say. Just last week she had been raving on and on about how in love they were.

"But it's fine," Renee continued, her mood brightening up. "I want my Freshmen year to be perfect, and for a perfect year I need a perfect boyfriend. I've already got the guy picked out."

I was bothered by how cocky she acted. She sounded way too confident in herself. Did she honestly expect every guy to fall at her feet?

"So, who is the new victim-er-prospect?"

Renee was too lost in la-la land to notice the jab.

"It's Jaden Powers!" She answered dreamily.

Well, that one knocked me for a loop. Her thought process was confusing me.

"Um, when you say 'Jaden Powers', do you mean the Jaden Powers?"

Renee rolled her eyes dramatically. "No, when I say Jaden Powers I mean the Adolph Hitler! Honestly Kyla! If there is any other Jaden Powers, please let me know."

I looked at her for a moment and then exploded into laughter. It was Renee's turn to be confused.

"What the heck is the matter?" She asked.

"You!" I managed to choke out between laughs. "You're clearly delusional! He's going to be a Senior and you're going to be a Freshmen. He's almost four years older than you. He wouldn't be caught dead with you!"

"Well," She huffed. "that was probably the meanest thing that you've ever said to me!"

"But it's the truth!" I giggled. "You can't really be stupid enough to think that he's going to fall madly in love with you. That's just about as believable as Taylor Lautner showing up on our front porch and asking me for a date!"

Her face turned bright red. I could almost see the steam coming out of her ears. "You're just jealous because he isn't attracted to you! You know that I have a better chance with him than you ever will!"

I stopped laughing. She was starting to try my (non existent) patience. "I am not jealous. That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Good grief, you are such an idiot. You actually think I want Jaden Powers?"

"Whatever!" Renee got up and stalked out. Just before she left, she turned around and said; "Just remember what you said, because when Jaden and I start dating, you are going to feel like a total retard!"

"In your dreams, Moron!" I shot back as she dissapeared from view. Little sisters, I decided, were something that the world clearly didn't need.

As I got out of bed, I looked at the clock on my dresser. 9:35. I had promised to call Heather yesterday and give her all the *ehem* Jaden details. By now she was probably getting very impatient. I imagined that she had been waiting for my call for the past two hours at least. Shit!

I made a dive for my phone and turned it on. Ah, there it was: the 'call' button on a background of a shirtless guy with a gorgeous blonde in a bikini and....what the hell?! Was this really my phone? I had had a Hawaiian background the last time I looked. Besides I was not blonde, I didn't wear bikinis and I didn't have a boyfriend. Quickly I checked the name on the home screen---Jaden. No, no, no!!!! I had Jaden Power's phone; and if I had his phone, he must have mine....

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