Chapter Three: Tension in Detention

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"Um, good luck, and...ah...don't forget to call me tomorrow and let me know how it went." Heather was clearly distracted as she shifted from one foot to the other and glanced nervously into the cafeteria; but it was completely lacking in Jaden Powers, much to my delight.

"Hey, don't worry!" I said as I pulled her into a hug. "as far as I'm concerned, Jaden's all yours. Mr. Powers ain't got no powers over me!" I joked. It was stupid, but like any true friend, she laughed anyway.

"Thanks a lot Kyla! You're the best friend ever!" She started walking towards the exit. "See you next Monday, after my trip!" Heather called back, and then she was gone.

I gritted my teeth and entered the lunchroom. "It'll be fine, Kyla." I told myself. "Just an hour of boredom. No big deal."

I saw the Principle, Mr. Barret, at the other end of the room. He seemed very preoccupied, but he glanced up when I walked in.

"Ah, Miss Sanchez. How nice to see you." He said with a complete lack of enthusiasm. "You may sit wherever you like." He then went back to whatever he was writing.

"Thanks a million." I thought to myself and sat as far away from him as possible. Since it didn't look like he cared what I did, I pulled out my phone and started checking my e-mail.

About fifteen minutes later, Jaden Powers waltzed into the room looking terribly inconvenienced. All my hopes that he had simply disappeared of the face of the earth were dashed to pieces.

"You're late." Said Mr. Barret who was pretty disturbed that he had to stay overtime.

"Sorry, Mr. B, I was busy." Jaden announced in a bland tone. Yep, he sure sounded sorry, all right.

The Principle sighed. "You still have to stay for an hour. Take a seat."

Jaden rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He said under his breath, plopped into the seat directly across from mine and whipped out his phone. "Strange," I thought. "us having the exact same phone." I looked up and saw him staring at me in amusement. It was almost as if he suspected me of buying my phone just so I could have the same one as him. "Gosh," I huffed mentally. "Not everything's about you, jerk!"

For the next half-hour we played a fun game of 'I'm-busy-don't-bother-me' where I emailed all the people I could think of, including my brother Brett at college. Jaden texted plenty of people, presumably girls, and from the way he was chuckling, I supposed that he was getting some....interesting replies.

I finally ran out of people to contact and was wondering what to do next when I got a notice that someone had texted me. Only one person I knew texted me.

"Honestly, Heather! Couldn't you wait?" I mumbled as I opened the message; but I was wrong.

Hey, Babe. Whatcha doin'?-Jaden

Jaden. Jaden?! Why was he texting me?

Nothing at all, duh! How'd you get my phone number anyway?-Kyla

I saw him smile. Ugh, this was annoying!

Aw Babe, didn't you know that I make it my business to have every pretty girl's number?-Jaden

Seriously? How cheesy was that? And did he have to call me 'Babe' ? That's what he called all the other girls. I really hated that nickname.

Why don't you text one of the other ones then?-Kyla

I already texted all of the other ones. You were the last, Babe.-Jaden 

Wow. It's not like I should've cared or anything, but the way he said that made it sound so insulting.

Please don't call me 'Babe'. I do have a name, you know.-Kyla

Ugh, yeah I know. It's pretty ugly.-Jaden

Excuse me?!-Kyla

I can think of a lot of better things to call you;)-Jaden

Oh, no he didn't!

Don't even start!-Kyla

Aw, come on! You know you want me to!-Jaden

My jaw dropped. I let go of the phone as if it had been a dead rat and it fell onto the table. Jaden was staring at the floor, trying really hard not to laugh. The nerve of this kid!

"Kyla Sanchez? You can leave now!"

"Thank the lord!" I muttered angrily. I didn't say it very loud, but it was loud enough for Mr. Ginormous Ego to hear, and he lost it completely, dropped his phone and exploded into laughter. I huffed, grabbed my purse and marched out of the cafeteria, making what I hoped was a very grand exit.

Just as I stepped out of the building, I realized that I had left my phone in the cafeteria on the table. Now I had to go back in there and get it. I'd look like a complete idiot after my "grand exit" a few minutes before.

However I was in luck. When I returned to the cafeteria I saw the two phones lying on the table and Jaden over with Mr. Barret. It sounded like Mr. Popular was getting quite the lecture. I smiled and thanked my lucky stars for Mr. Barret and his long lectures as I picked up my phone and rushed out of the room.

What Makes You Special (The Story of a Cell Phone Mixup)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora