Chapter One - Alfred

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The evening was bitterly cold. The sun was just starting to set over the horizon as snow fell from the clouds above, lightly dusting the crowded city. Though the scene was beautiful, it was miserable for you. Ice coated the ground making it nearly impossible to walk on without making a fool out of yourself. You were barely dressed for the weather either, wearing just a pea coat, thin gloves, and a beanie. Your cheeks and nose were flushed a bright pink as the wind threatened to knock off your hat.

You cursed yourself for thinking that the walk home from the mall wouldn't be that far. It felt like you had been walking for hours in the cold. You couldn't feel your fingers anymore, and your face was completely numb. The only thing keeping you from giving up was the upbeat music playing through your headphones, and the fear that if you passed out you would most definitely get run over by someone walking behind you on the busy street. Finally, in the distance you could faintly see your apartment building through the snow. You smiled widely and sped up your pace.

You were only a block away from your nice, warm apartment when someone next to you had the misfortune of slipping on the icy sidewalk. His briefcase flipped open as he fell, the papers in it flying everywhere. You gasped and stopped in your tracks, "are you okay!?"

The guy groaned and pulled himself up, cracking a goofy smile. He seemed pretty young to be carrying a briefcase, maybe in his late teens, "yeah dude. Wow, that was embarrassing."

You let out a laugh and nodded, leaning down to help him pick up the sheets of paper scattered around the sidewalk. Some of them were completely soaked from the snow, the ink running and making the words that were previously written illegible. You felt a tinge of pity for the guy and retrieved them as carefully as possible, putting them together into a neat pile and handing them over to him.

"Thanks a lot dude." He said, shuffling through the papers. "Oh my boss is going to kill me, these were important."

Shoving your freezing hands in your pockets, you tilted your head to the side in confusion, "you seem awfully young to be working a job like that, Mister...?"

"Please don't call me 'Mister', you'll make me feel like an old man. Just call me Alfred." He said, giving you another dorky grin, "and who knows, maybe you could be working the same job as me soon. What's your name?"

You (reluctantly) took your hand out of your pocket and held it out to him, "(y/n) (l/n)." He shook your hand with enthusiasm, "so, what do you do Alfred?"

"I'm a country representative for America."

You widened your eyes, "but you're so young! And what do you mean I can do that to? Isn't there only one per country? America already has you."

"You seem awfully interested, (y/n). But I know for a fact you will be working with me in the future. I'm almost positive of the country too."

You were both confused and intrigued, "what country?"

"Well that would ruin the surprise now wouldn't it? Now I must get going Miss (y/n), I have a few calls to make and a few documents to retrieve. I also really need to talk with Matthias, I have so much to tell him."

With that, he left, crossing the street and heading towards a large building in the distance. You shrugged your shoulders and continued your walk back to your apartment.

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