Chapter 36: As Long As

Start from the beginning

Offended, I turned and smacked him on the chest (he was dressed, thank you God). Well..half-dressed but whatever, beggars can't be choosers.

But before I could reprimand him, he started to speak.

"We definitely have a meet with the Council and you can't get out of it this time." He said.

I frowned. "Who said I wanted to get out of it last time?" I asked.

Nathan raised an eyebrow at me and I narrowed my eyes at him.

Okay, so I wanted to get out of it last time. The hell if I'm going to accept it when he points it out.

I lifted my chin defiantly.

Go ahead, tell me I'm lying.

He snorted in response and turned to go to the bed. He had low hung jeans on and it was very hard to concentrate on anything else.

"Stop checking me out and come sleep." Nathan murmured as soon as he hit the bed.

I sighed.

That guy had eyes behind his head, I swear.

I walked up to him slowly and joined him on the other side, then I ripped the comforter from him because well...because I could. He laughed, snuggled closer to me and wrapped the comforter around the both of us. 

Can't complain about that, I thought as my lids drifted shut and Nathan's breathing evened out and lulled me to sleep.



I don't know what woke me up until I heard Nathan take a sharp inhale behind me. My eyes widened as I turned around and looked at Nate.

He was sweating and breathing hard and behind his closed lids his eyes were moving restlessly.

Placing a hand on his cheek, I waited for him to settle, then when nothing happened, I pulled him into a hug murmuring reassuring words into ears  

Somehow he didn't wake up, however he settled, lying heavily on me and letting out a breath of relief.

I checked again to see if he'd gotten up. No, he was still asleep, his head on my shoulder with his forehead pressed against my neck. His hand was around me and his leg was over both of mine. I swept my hand over his brow, wiping away the sweat gathered there. I sighed.

What time was it?

Then, I remembered something. I remembered where I heard the word Rogue Shifter.

Yes. Sophie, one of Nathan's packmates, had mentioned it to me. I racked my brain for a specific word she'd used.

Something with a..M?

Yes! MARC!

An agency of something that was attempting to find a cure for Rogue Shifters.

My heart melted. Despite the fact that a Rogue had ruined his childhood, Nathan was attempting to help them.

I don't think it was possible to love someone more than I loved Nathan right now.

I pressed a kiss to his forehead and he let out a low sound. Then tangling his hand in my hair, he lifted himself up to press his lips to mine.

"I can hear you thinking," he murmured, his voice thick from sleep.

I scowled.

"I don't think that loud." I said, pouting.

Nipping my lip, he said "Yes, yes you do."

"Yeah well you snore." I grumbled.

"You fart." He said.

When I let out a horrified gasp and look at him, he grins mischievously. I was ready to smack him when he pulled me against him, so that I was lying on my side, like him, and pressed against him.

He rubbed his hands down my back and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"I know about MARC." I murmured.

"Who the ~bleep~ is Mark?" Nathan asked, his hands tightening around me.

I blinked, then reared back to look at him. He just swore. Aaand his eyes were green-black

"Not m-a-r-k," I said, spelling it out "m-a-r-c."

His eyes went back to a happy green again. I raised an eyebrow.

He shrugged.

"What about it?" he asked.

Was he going to act like it's no big deal?

"Nothing," I said "I'm just..."

I paused wondering how to put my thoughts into words.

"Just..?" He asked.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"I'm just very proud of you." I said.

He stilled, eyes glowing. Before he preened.

"Really?" He asked.

"Really." I said.

He pressed his palms to my cheeks.

"Well I'm fudging proud of you too." He said.

Except he didn't say fudging; but I bet you already know that.

Nathan's eyes were shining with pride just like, I'm sure, mine were too.

"I'd be even more proud if I don't have to drag you to the meet with the Council." He added.

I groaned.

"Indy.." He said, throwing me a meaningful look.

I pouted. "Fine. But you're telling your mom about us."

He paused for a second looking at me, deep in thought.

He nodded once, fast.

I grinned.

Good, now he would dread the meeting as much as I did.

"She can't touch me." I said, cupping his cheek.

He raised his eyebrows "How so?"

"Because I'm kick-ass," then pretending to think about it, I added "and you're not too bad yourself." 

He threw me a look that said I was going to pay for that. Three seconds later I couldn't breathe because he was ticking the life out of me. I writhed and begged and wiggled but to no avail. He was merciless and I didn't mind at all; as long as he had that smile on his long as he kept looking at me like that.

As long as we were together, I didn't give a fudge.


Clears throat. Okay, there's still like two (maaaaaybe three) chapters left and acknowledgements (<--- this right here? Yeah. It's going to be about you awesome peeps out there) and then AISB is officially over with. *wipes tears from eyes* Anyway. I hoped you liked that and I didn't update like super late did I? I was a good girl this time right? Yes? Is that a yes? 

Santa? Hey. Hi. I deserve some presents this Christmas. 

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