If you feel sad

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Remember that if you're feel sad consistantly, that it is serious. Diagnosed or not, it certainly isn't healthy to be sad all the time. But that's fine - you are you. Your feelings are valid. If people shrugging your problems off as nothing may not understand the magnitude. (*whispers* But we do)

And if it's just a bad day for you, remember that that's perfectly fine. You can't have good days without having a few bad days.

Remember it's okay to take pleasure in your solitude, but remember to talk to people too - that can be very benefical!

Remember that you are needed, you have value and you are worth every ounce of love you receive.

Remember that if you are feeling too sad to move or do anything and how hard it is to deal with, try your absolute best to participate in something or do something productive, bit or small. Unfortunately, time keeps going whether you participate or not.

Remember that you will be as happy as you may pretend to be. Stick around for it. You'll feel great!

- Kirsten

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