Chapter 1

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Lilliana POV

I was walking in the woods, with Mom and Dad. Laughing, hugging, and talking. Mom was posing for a picture. A loud growl came from behind the bushes.


A panther came from behind the bushes and pounced on Mom. The last thing I heard was blood curdling scream.

I woke up with tears flowing freely down my face. I wipe my tears and get out of bed. Damn it! I have to get to school before my stupid teacher yells at me. I got ready, wearing a pair of nerdy glasses, and a pair of overalls and my hair into a messy bun, and no make up. Why, you ask? Because I don't want to be noticed by anyone. I ran down the stairs, to eat breakfast. Burnt toast and a bit too much maple syrup, my favorite (note sarcasm) I kissed my Dad goodbye, and my best friend, Trisha, came to pick me up from home.

She was my best friend since preschool. I trust her, and tell her my deep secrets. We reached school, and got out of the car.

First day of senior year. Freshman to junior years were a torture. Trying to imagine what senior year is like, is giving me a headache.

"Woah, Nora, are you okay?" Trisha asked.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just a minor headache." I replied

I was walking in the school, when I saw the school's most popular guy of the school, Jae Cameron. He never cared for nerds. Well, I am not a nerd exactly, but disguised as one. You see, I am a model, a famous one, too. My real name is Lilliana Maddox, but I use my code name, Nora Morris. I was forced to be a model.


"Hi honey, you are home pretty early, I see," Mom said

"Yeah. You look really happy today, what is it?" I asked

"Well..... Some guy said that you look really pretty, so you are going to be a model!"

"What? No! I don't want to be a model! I hate wearing those short dresses and those clothes. I don't want to do this!"

"I want you to do modeling, though. I will give you two days to decide."

"Okay," I said

Next day:
Mom died in car accident when she was trying to save me from getting hurt. There she is, lying on her death bed. I will do modeling, because that was her last wish. I will fulfill her wish.

End of flashback

"Nora! Nora!" I snapped out of my thoughts when Trisha was shaking me.

"Sorry, I zoned out." I explained and wiped my tears.

"No shit, Sherlock! Whatever. We have to go!"

Trisha ran to her next class and I got tripped by a group of girls, oh least of all the people I want to see all day.

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