Fun and Games (Chap 13)

Start from the beginning

~End Flashback~

Wait where am I? (Shh Shiva listen to your surroundings.) I can't hear anything, what is that in the distance? Is it... It is, Hollows! Ok good so that means in still in Hueco Mundo, just not in Las Noches. I really wanted to look at the person carrying me, is it really Daichi? Why now? I finally have everything I want why now?

"Hey Girl! Remember me?"came a dark and creepy females voice. "Oh Great! You, what do you want? " I asked

"There's no need for that attitude. It's not like I've hasseled you every day.  Actually I haven't talked to you since you came here." She retorted

"Yyerrr, why IS that? I know you haven't gotten bord of my problems, if anything I thought you would have annoyed me more." I stated slowly, trying to think of a reason as to why she hasn't bothered me. She always has something to say, especially when it comes to any misgivings I might have.

"Well I thought I'd just remind you I'm here. Waiting, I will consume you my little icicle. I. WILL. BE. FREE." with that she faded back into my "inner world". Seriously now I have her to deal with again, I mentally sighed.


Grimmjows POV

It was no good I found absolutely nothing that could indicate Ulquiorra had any involvment in her kidnapping.  I stomped my feet growling as I walked to my appartment, I can't believe HE put me under house arrest. Why? I'm so pissed off and there isn't anything I can do. I stomped through my appartment looking for anything to do that would distract me.


I sighed loudly deciding that there wasn't anything to do other then sleep. I awoke to someone knocking on the front door (this seems to always happen) I slowly got out of bed groaning slightly.

I was having another beautiful dream about Shiva, it only started to heat up if it's Szayelporro I'll kill him for sure. I slowly opened the door to reveal Aizen and his two goons, I groaned again more annoyed then before. I really don't feel like putting up with his shit right now. I stood there slouching as I looking boringly at them I yawned loudly in there faces, they really do like to beat around the bush.

"Ok. So why are you here? Do I get to leave? Sure you don't need all three of you to tell me that?" I asked rather smugly.

"No Grimmjow, I want your report on Shiva." Aizen statedin his usual tone.

"What do you mean? There really isn't anything new to report." I said as I began to get bord again, he woke me for this. He just smiled at me nodding his head slightly, as he turned to walk away he says over his shoulder.

"Ulquiorra and Yammy are returning form the world of the living. Everybody is to be there for his report...that means you and your fraccion as well."

"Yer. Yer I'll be there." I said shutting the door.  

2 hours later  

What a waste of my time. Ulquiorra reported that this 'Ichigo' person is no threat but I believe this guy could become a threat later on. What's stopping this guy from training and becoming more stronger, making him more of a threat then he already is. This is no good, if Aizen isn't going to do something about it I will. I flopped my body on my bed sighing in exasperation, I closed my eyes trying to come up with a plan as to how I am going to kill this Ichigo Kurosaki person.


Akahanas POV

I got it! Finally. It took me a coule days to come up with, and yet it's so simle. I should have came up with it sooner I'm just lucky we haven't travelled to far from Las Noches.

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