A/N Subject: Chapter 8

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Hi everyone! Sooooo, I've been kind of avoiding it, (have you noticed?) But I have finally decided to go back to Mapleshade in her new place, last we left of with Spottedleaf mysteriously fading back to *existence*. How is that possible? Why are they there? Where is 'there'? What does Spottedleaf know? When will Mapleshade find her answers? All will be revealed in....... Chapter 8!!!! (Actually, a lot will not be revealed, but where's the fun in saying that?) It should be up within 1 week, so be alert! Bye, and may StarClan light your path, may the force be with you, may the gods of Olympus watch over you, hail cloak, and all that jazz. Remember to do everything in your power to help your world, whether it's the Lost Cities or the Forbidden ones. : )

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