I'm Scary?

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I'm scary? How am I scary? Is it because I will look you in the eye and tell you what I think? Tell you the truth. I'm not going to lie to you. I refuse to stoop to that. 

It's strange, you're the only one that thinks that. You said it to my face, "I'm scary." That's ok, I don't care. I'll grow and build. Every word you said is just another brick. 

I asked my friends. They're responses almost made me cry. "You're not scary!" "I love you to pieces." They were so quick to reassure me. To make me feel like everything was ok. And that is why I stay around them. There are times I don't feel like I belong. But it's when they are so quick to come to the aid of someone, that I truly feel like I belong. 

They build each other up instead of tearing them down. 

I'm scary? Does it scare you that I will call you out? That I'm not afraid? I'll speak my mind, I'm brave enough to do that much.

I know I'm afraid of a lot but at least I'm brave enough to look you in the eyes and tell you what I feel instead of lying. Instead of making something so convoluted no one even knows what your view point is!

I'll tell you what I think. I won't sugar coat it or beat around the bush. I've lost friends that way but if they can't deal with the truth they can deal without me. Go ahead and call me what you please. I'm above that.

I have people who will stick with me no matter what, that will listen to my stupid problems and not hate me for it. Won't sugar coat anything. They'll say it like it is and that has helped me to growI've been chewed out by people that are my friends and still are. You know what? That's what needed to happen. I needed them to chew me out. To tell it to me like that because nothing else was going to work. And they knew that. 

I'm thankful they respect me and themselves enough to tell me what I need to hear. Whether it is what I want to hear or not. It helps me to become more.

I've learned to trust. To hope. To live! And I won't let someone else's view ruin that for me, again. I'm done with people deciding how I live my life. If you don't like it, then remove yourself. Don't pull me down cause you don't like the way I act or do things. That is your problem, not mine. 

I understand you have problems, we all do. And you don't need to make others feel like crap because they do something that you don't like. Get all the information before you start accusing people of things. People don't know what they are talking about half the time because they don't even bother finding out what was going on. They just jump to conclusions. 

If you are going to accuse someone of something, the least you could do is have all your facts. 

I'm not afraid anymore. I've let that go, and it's time you do too.

I'm scary? That's a lie. The scary one is you.

Welp stuff happened and this is what happened because of that. Anything to say? Leave me a comment and I'll reply. :)

And remember, You aren't alone, when it feels like you have no one else, I'll be here for you.


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