Chapter 18- Please Forgive & Forget?

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'Me and your dad are going to be gone for about three weeks, tell the others when they get home. N. B. NO PARTY !  I repeat. NO PARTY ! I will know if you guys throw a party. You are allowed to have your friends over and no more.
Mom Signing Out
Peace xxx. '

I cringed mentally at my mom using the word 'peace' at the end of her note then placed the note on the counter. I walked over to the front door deciding it's time to go so I wasn't late.

Just as I opened the door Steph's hand was inches away from my face and I just glared at it hoping it would terminate right before my eyes 'Not really.'

" I was just about to rap babe." He said putting g down his hand.

"So I noticed, now let's go before we're late. I wanna know why Justice wants to see us, even though i already know." I said rather fast.

"In a hurry and rather feisty today aren't we." Steph said as I pulled him to his car.

"Considering I woke up five in the morning and you nearly knocked me in my face. 'Feisty' is an understatement." I replied. "How we could potentially be late ' in a hurry' would mean that you needa go vroom vroom with that car of yours." I added.

As soon as I said that Stephen laughed and started the car. It wasn't long before we arrived at Starbucks and I was literally pulling Stephen inside.

"Come on, walk faster." I said.

"We're already running a marathon, what more faster do you wanna go." He replied.

I rolled my eyes and continued pulling him until I hit my head in the door. I immediately stopped and held onto my forehead.

"Second time for the day." I muttered to myself.

"If you weren't so anxious that would not have happened. They could wait until we reach their the ones who want to see us." Steph said passing me and going inside.

"What a gentlemen." I said going inside after him.

"Finally you two are here." I heard Justice voice and I looked up from Steph's back to see Nicholas and my sisters also.

'I totally knew this is why she wanted to see us'

"Yeah, hey to you guys to." I replied sitting down.

We sat at the table in complete silence until I couldn't take it anymore.

"Speak, you wanted us here." I said in an agitated tone.

"Well all we wanted to say was that we're sorry we didnt tell you guys that we were dating." Justice said.

"Basically what she said." Nicholas added.

"You see that's the thing, we don't want an apology. All we want to know is why you guys decided not to tell us." I stated.

"We wanted to take it slow and see where it would go from there." Answered Michelle.

"Actually we just wanted a little more privacy." Melody said and I looked away from Michelle to look at her.

"Didnt seem so." I hear Stephen say.

"Actually I think you believe your all that since your dating Nicholas now." I said giving her a half smile then rolled my eyes turning back to Justice.

"Look I can't say I don't respect y'all decision and all buh I just need a two day break from y'all." I said getting up from my seat.

"Where you going?" Asked Steph.

"Just gonna take a walk, nothing big." I replied.

"And don't think I don't forgive you guys... But to this k y'all didn't trust us e ought to keep it private or tell us, I cant forget that easy." I said walking away.

I heard one of the seats scratch on the floor and i turned around to see Stephen.

"I wanna walk alone." I said.

"I know that but I know your not gonna reach home til late so I have to follow from a distance." He said. "So you could have your space and time to clear your mind, while I make sure your safe." He added turning me around so my back faced him.

"Understandable." I said and began walking.

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