Sunshine ending of the haunting

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The sun was coming up everything was so peaceful as the blue clear water peacefully floated. The birds starting to sing and the wind started to blow as the four friends sat on the beach waiting for the helicopter to come. "We'll have to say we did have a great experience together." Nicky pointed out. "Yeah we did." Johnny smiled at the sunshine. "Where's Peter by the way?" Nicky smiled at Emma. "Oh no I didn't took him with me..." She said with an obvious look. "WHAT?" She yelled. "You heard me, he is a psychopath I am not going to leave him kill anybody else!" Emma stood up. "Well hope you feel great now that we lost Peter again, he won't be in the house by now!!" Nicky stood up and shouted. "WE HAD TO LEAVE HIM BEHIND!!!" Emma shouted more and more. "WHAT CAN I SAY, KILL HIM IF YOU WOULD TOO!!" Nicky teared. Emma pulled out the gun "if you wish!!!" She waved it around shouting. "Woah woah babe please relax!" Mark grabbed her shoulder. "Alright I am sorry..." Emma put it down to the ground. "There..." He said with a fake annoyed smile. "Good" Mark answered, before he knew a rock hit Marks head and he fell unconscious to the ground. "Babe!" Emma shouted ready to take the gun but saw that it wasn't there anymore. "NOBODY MOVES!!!" Nicky held the gun pointing at Emma. "Hey hey guys relax Nicky..." Johnny was talking but then Natalie's voice mesmerized him. He turned around and saw his beautiful Natalie in a red dress. "Natalie baby!!" He hugged her. "You are alive!!" Johnny clapped from happiness. But Natalie just stood there emotionless.
"Please Nicky please don't shoot!" Emma begged her. "Don't worry Emma, Nicky is with me, with her brother." Emma didn't even had to turn around to see who was talking. "Peter..." Emma knew the name loud and clear. He laughed. "Yes and know, last bullet for my slutty girlfriend" he said laughing. "Except if you make me a favor..." Peter massaged her shoulders. She pushed him back. "What is it?" Emma asked from curiosity. "You stay in this mansion with me have this power with me" Peter said with a laughter. "So what do you say beautiful?" He giggled. "Say whatever you want I am not a fan of your little tricks, no no I am not" Emma answered loud and clearly. "Fine then you will die, Nicky shoot to 3" Peter commented. "1....2...." "It's not going to work buddy." "Of course it'll work Emma you stupid little..." "I didn't say that" Emma said with a smile. Peter looked at Nicky she looks emotionless and let the gun drop. "NICKYYY!!!" Peter shouted. "Sorry Peter had to make a favor from someone." Nicky answered and pointed behind him.

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