Finish it together

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"Alright we are here" Johnny raised his hands as he watch the house. "Alright I am not getting in there" Nicky turned and started walking to the beach. "Where are you going?" Johnny asked her with a disappointment face. "Going to the beach that where the planes are going to arrive!!" She gouged because of how far away she was. "Alright well I am not going in there either!" Johnny turned and walked to the direction where Nicky went. "Hey hey guys!" Mark shouted at them. "See you guys!" You heard both of them voices from the path. Mark turned and looked at Emma with guilt. "You don't want to go in there do you?" Emma knew him more than he knew himself. "Yeah...sorry?" He tried to apologize. "It's fine just watch out the area so Peter wont get in the house." Emma hugged him. "Alright wish me good luck" she got closer to the door and opened it more getting in the mansion she ran to the basement to get the phone. "Alright, we have the code 126654 no was it...858844...ugh how do I open the system?" Emma sat on the chair and gilded her head. "Who am I kidding? I don't remember, why did you had to die Mary?" Emma shouted to herself. "I am sorry, bitch, okay?" She heard a voice behind her. Emma screamed and got the gun out of her bra as she turned to face the person who said that. Emma froze with a terrified cold face. " can't be!" Emma lowered the gun and stared at Mary's blue ghost. She was wearing a big blue dress like water, she looked as healthy as ever. "Mary?!" Emma put her gun in her bra. "But how did you wait why how?" Emma couldn't put the sentences into order. "Yes I am a ghost" she answered as she smoked a cigarette. Emma kept staring at her. "Hey I've been through T hell, literally, I need this." She raised the cigarette. "No but why did you kiss everyone and tried to kill Johnny?" Emma asked angrily. "Hey I wasn't controlling myself I wasn't me, the mansion got me of how much power I had and my brain turned. But it wasn't me I swear" she smoked the cigarette. "Oh, also what's the code for the services?" Emma pointed at the buttons. "In the same as in everywhere in USA 911?" Mary laughed. "Oh yeah" they both laughed. "Well thanks Mary see you." Emma said as she picked up the phone. "In hell" Mary said as she disappeared. "Hello yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.........yes" Emma closed the phone. "Woah they saw where I called from and they new exactly why I called" she laughed. Emma got up to the stairs and waited for a bit. She heard something, footsteps upstairs. "Fuck that has to be Peter!" Emma was sure, but she knew what was the best, to bring him out of the island with them. "HAHAHAHA FUCK NO!!!" Emma laughed and exited the house. She gave a thumbs up at Mark. "You did it!" He yelled and gave me a hug. "No we did" Emma said and kissed him. "Let's finish this nightmare, together." They both hold hands and walked to down the path.

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