They Told You To Stay Away

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Alex's Sucktastic Day Checklist

Fall down flight of stairs: check.

Get hurt: check.

Go to hospital: check.


And that's why I was crying in the middle of a hospital waiting room at twelve-thirty on a Saturday afternoon. Jack had his arms around me, whispering stuff to try to get me to calm down, but it didn't really work. I was so worked up, I was way past that point.

"Come on, Alex, I'm still here," said Jack softly, with an arm around my back. "You know how long it takes doctors to actually see people. Take all the time you need."

The thought made me shudder, and I sobbed even harder. Jack tightened his embrace, which I'm sure was meant to be reassuring, but it just kind of spooked me. With my good hand over my face, I leaned onto him and tried to think rationally.

At least I wasn't alone. I'd be inconsolable if I was alone. Jack reminded me of this fact by rubbing my back a bit and whispering, "It'll be fine, 'Lex."

Fast-forward two hours and I had come out of it somewhat, but I theoretically could've burst into tears again at any given moment. Someone called out my last name, and I looked up. "It's about time," said Jack, and helped me to my feet.

Oh. It was finally my turn. Jack and I walked over to the nurse by the door, the one who'd been doing the calling, and followed her through the door, down the hall, and into one of the exam rooms.

The nurse told me to sit up on the table and started checking my vitals. My heart was racing and they'd probably think I was dying, but it's not like I could do anything about it. I just sat there and let her do whatever it was she had to do to me (which, of course, was pure torture, because this is a hospital).

Just when I thought she was done torturing me, she added on to the torture by telling us to sit and wait some more for the doctor to come. As if we hadn't already waited three hours.

Then she left, and Jack and I were alone together in a small windowless room.

No, we didn't have sex.

Instead, Jack got onto the exam table next to me and took my good hand. "How are you holding up?" he asked.

"Not very well, but I'll manage," I answered. "Just don't leave."

He smiled and looked down at the grey linoleum floor. "Don't worry about that."

"What do you even see in me?" I blurted out of nowhere. "I'm a literal train wreck."

Jack's eyes widened. "Well, you like blink-182, and...and...I don't know. I'm just drawn to you."

I smiled a little, a bit shocked.

He went on. "I mean, you have great hair, and you're so fucking sweet, and I just...I just like the way you roll."

I put my arm around him, not quite sure of what to say but feeling like I was about to explode. "I like the way you roll too."

"What was your first impression of me?" he asked.

"Something like 'Very cute, but what is up with that hair?'" I said, smiling a little at the memory.

"Mine was 'Wow, I sure hope he's not straight. I'd do him," he said.

I laughed, blushing. "I'd let you do me."

He stopped in his tracks. "Wait, seriously? You'd let me do you?"

"Well, if the circumstances were right, I would," I said. "Like if I has full use of my left hand, and we weren't currently in a hospital, and we did it at my house."

"Why your house?" he asked.

"My house is where the condoms are."

*****AUTHOR'S NOTE*****

I sincerely apologize for the pain this chapter may have caused you.

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